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Brave Moms, Brave Kids
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Release Date: February 2018
Page Count: 256
Size: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-0-7369-7003-7
Case Lot Quantity: 52

Brave Moms, Brave Kids

A Battle Plan for Raising Heroes

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Hey, Mama

This world feels like it’s spinning faster every day. As the darkness has crept in, your brave prayers may have given way to fearful pleas that your kids would experience God’s kingdom—in a safe and comfortable way.

This generation needs heroes of the faith and your child can be one of them, but that will require you to be strong and BRAVE.  You and I must call out the bold Christ followers within our children and help them face the unknown future with divine confidence.

Brave Moms, Brave Kids is an equipping tool that will help you…

  • identify the qualities present in true greatness
  • reject “mommy fears” and replace them with immovable truth
  • learn strategies for praying for and training your children more effectively
  • develop seven key lessons we must teach our children to live for Jesus

Courage starts with you, Mama. If you’re going to raise a hero, you must become a hero—because brave kids need brave moms. Let’s do this, together.


Meet the author

Lee Nienhuis

Lee Nienhuis

Lee Nienhuis is an author and passionate Bible teacher. She is the communications specialist for Moms in Prayer International and the host of the  Moms in Prayer Podcast. A sought-after speaker, she shares a dynamic vision for the next generation of Christ followers. Lee and her farmer-husband, Mike, have four kids and live in West...

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Editorial Reviews

“[Brave Moms, Brave Kids] offers encouraging, insightful content. Recommended for moms who are searching for a biblical study of bravery.”
—CBA Christian MARKET


30 REVIEWS Leave a Comment »

02/15/18 Heather H.


Raising kids is plain hard. It stretches us further than we ever thought possible. On my journey of motherhood, I am embracing that to raise a brave child, I have to be brave myself. We can never give something away we don’t have. Lee Nienhuis really dives into today’s battle of raising heroes. She identifies “mommy fears” and takes us through seven key lessons we must teach our children to live for Jesus.

Be brave dear Mom, you are shaping the future one day at a time!

02/13/18 Lisa


In my opinion this book isn’t just for moms. It is for anyone who has influence in a child’s life. To raise brave kids we have to be brave in our lives. We don’t always know what that looks like but in the book Brave Mom, Brave Kids the author does a great job of teaching us how to walk brave. She is real with her journey to become a Brave Mom and uses scripture to build a strong biblical foundation for herself and her children.

Our world is changing and we have to know how to teach children to be Brave as they go on their journey through life..  She teaches us that we have to be their “trainer” because if we aren’t the world will be. We have to let them see us be an example of what we teach and expect from them. We have to be willing to teach them that being brave is walking a path that follows Jesus’ example by loving others well, showing compassion, serving others, and knowing how to stand strong in our convictions based on following God’s Word. The author gets real in how we can accomplish these task set before us.

If you have children in your life in anyway this is a must read!!!

02/13/18 Jessie


Brave Moms, Brave Kids written by Lee Niehuis, is a genuine down to earth book. It is so easy to read, she includes funny and deeply personal stories that are easy to relate too. Her book encourages moms to reject fears that we have while raising our children in this new fast paced moving generation. She encourages you to embrace your battle cry, to equip your child to face the world, and how to pray for them. She shows you how, “that’s my job,” to teach your children about God. That “your fear does not negate your responsibility to obey the Lord.” She uses scripture to highlight and embolden you.

This book has changed the way I am raising my children! An excellent read!!

02/12/18 Jamie U.


Raising children has many challenges. So often mothers may feel unequipped or under-equipped to teach and guide their children. Wanting to raise children that follow after the Lord, are willing to stand up for the truth, and live with a standard of excellence is not easy in today’s world. Brave Moms, Brave Kids is the resource, the toolkit mothers and grandmothers need to raise children with hearts filled with faith.

This powerful book is full of strategies, prayers, and scriptures to equip mothers and grandmothers. As they seek to raise children who desire to love and follow the Lord, they will find the tools they need.

I highly recommend this wonderful book. I am thankful for Lee Nienhuis’ instruction, sincerity, and honesty. Her thoughtful writing is relatable and relevant. Brave Moms, Brave Kids is certainly a book I will be reading again and again.

02/12/18 Emily A


So appreciate this heartfelt, practical look at how to be a brave mom.

02/09/18 Rachael

If you are looking for another mom to be real, authentic, vulnerable, and speak the love of Jesus too, then look no further!!!

This book is encouraging, inspiring, real, and practical. If you have been curious about how to pray more effectively with and for your children, this is a great resource. Her journey and words are truly God’s gift to us all. Enjoy!!

02/01/18 Jennifer


I finished reading through this inspirational book this past week, and though I was anxious to finish reading to get it all inside my brain, I was so sad the book was finished when I reached the end! As a mother to four young children, I’m still processing some of the encouragement, challenge, and inspiration I received through Lee’s words! She also shared lots of God’s Words, too. In fact, I wrote down all the Scripture passages I came across in the book, and it filled three journal pages!! I put a quote from her book, “We can’t actively believe a God we do not know,” up on our letter board and loved the conversations it inspired with my kiddos, as they realize my actions toward them are inspired by seeking after God, and desiring for them to be brave kids that follow God, too!

I have been challenged to be intentional in many areas with my kids through the personal stories Lee shared, as well as the Scriptures I can read and pray over my children and family, and am excited to see the many lives God touches through Lee’s willingness to put these words into other women’s lives! I also purchased the audio book so I can listen to Lee share her stories and encouragement over and over again! I’m sure I will be flipping through the book to reflect back on all the words I underlined, starred, and put smiley faces next to as well. So thankful for the challenge to be a Brave Mom in this world, and so thankful I don’t have to navigate this journey alone!

02/01/18 Joanne V.


My children are grown and married. I am now a Mimi who is involved, enjoying, and engaged with grandchildren.

Lee is not an expert or done with raising her children. In fact, she is still in the throes of parenting and faces the same challenges as all of us. She is fully aware she is still at risk of her children falling apart. She understands apart from God, she is unqualified but has chosen to depend on Him and His Word for the daily guidance needed each day.

This book is full of encouragement from Scripture and from other sources, as Lee writes to infuse us with a strong dose of faith to grow us to be brave. For our children and grandchildren to be brave, we as moms need to tend to our souls and be brave. We need to overcome fear by believing God. The author will soon feel like a friend with her transparent and engaging style. I have already bought and given a copy as a gift.

It was my joy to read this book. This is a book I will keep and share in the days ahead.

02/01/18 Carissa


Our kids are hero’s waiting to happen and this books sets us mamas up to succeed at raising them. I loved Lee’s honest stories, her prayer tips and the whole book felt like a big ‘ole cheering section.

If you are a mom, this is your book!

01/31/18 Jen S.


Brave Moms, Brave Kids is a must read for every mom despite the ages of her children.

As a busy mom of four, I am always trying to find ways to reach the hearts of my children and to help them to grow deep in their faith. It’s hard to be intentional and consistent due to the culture today being so busy and on the go all the time, but Lee offers strategies that are doable for anyone to implement in their lives. She also reminds us just how important it is to be consistent and to seek out opportunities to equip our children to stay true to themselves and to do the right thing even when they are met with challenges and opposition.

We must first become brave heroes in order to model what it means to be brave in our world so that our children can be the heroes for the next generation. “Modeling faith begins with our children catching us believing God.” Each chapter is filled with Scripture, real-life stories, strategies, and prayers to God for our children and for ourselves to continue to hold true to the path He has set out for each one of us to follow. At the end of the book, you will find reflection questions that you can use to check where the strengths and weaknesses lie within each child and yourself and your spouse as well.

01/31/18 Jill F.


Brave Moms, Brave Kids is the kind of book that sticks to your ribs. Lee had me by the middle of the second paragraph of the introduction! Each chapter is filled with everyday real-life examples, solid teaching and encouragement founded on the Word of God, and countless practical applications. Reading this book will absolutely empower you to embrace the principles Lee sets forth so that they will become a reality for your family.

Whether you are a young mom just getting started or a mom, like me, who has already raised her children, you will be energized as you quickly recognize that a mom’s work is never done; a mother’s journey is the investment of a lifetime.


01/31/18 Michelle H.


A Must Read For All Moms

Brave Moms, Brave Kids is an amazing tool that every mom needs in her life to help her raise brave children in the world we live in today. So much has changed since I raised my children, but I’m a grandmother now and I’m saddened by the things my grandchildren and future grandchildren will have to face in this fallen world. A quote that stood out to me was, “The problem we face as mothers is we cannot hold on to both fear and faith simultaneously.” That was something I struggled with until I realized I need to let go and let God control how things will turn out and in the end it does work out for our good.

I wish I had a book like this available to me at that time. I highly recommend this to family and friends and all moms who want to equip their children with the keys to live out their faith daily.

01/30/18 Sarah


This book is for everyone-moms, dads, aunts, uncles, grandparents, teachers, all adults. Brave Moms, Brave Kids is a clear cut guide for anyone who interacts with kids, not just their moms! It takes a village! I am not a mom, but I am a teacher in a public alternative education high school.

Lee offers clear, concise, and direct encouragement and battle plans for moms (and the rest of us). She is open and honest as she shares personal stories and antidotes of her highs and lows as a mom, and everything in between. The ideas, suggestions, and beliefs shared are grounded in scripture and the application of these passages in everyday life is outlined and explained. There is no sugar-coating here, folks! Satan is at work in the world and we need to combat him to lead kids-ALL the kids-to a life following God.

01/28/18 Mandy F.


Brave Moms, Brave Kids has directly impacted the way I bravely mother my four treasures. Fear is so real and can easily suck the joy and the godly responsibility we have to raise children who love the Lord with their whole hearts. There are so many parts of the this book that I’m still mulling over. There are so many parts, through direct application from Lee’s words, I have applied to my daily mothering. Lee makes pointing to Jesus very practical, such as teaching about the “Y” moments, Triple Worth, and so many more snippets of wisdom to help me instill values in my children that point them constantly to Jesus. I highly recommend this book to ALL mamas…not just the ones that struggle with fear, but to all. It takes a brave mama to make a brave kid.

01/27/18 Lee M.

Raising Christians in this increasing secular world is down right scary. The urge to hide my children in a cave is more tempting every single day. I was beginning to re-evaluate my choice of public schools. But this book landed in my hands when I needed it most. Lee writes, while praying that her children would be safe she realized she was feeding a lie. “The lie was that my version of safe and my plan for my children’s lives was better and fuller than God’s.” She shares her own journey and gives us real and practical steps to walk out the call that Brave Moms raise Brave Kids. God reminded me of His original answer to me years ago, that they are to be “in the world, but not of the world.” I thank God for bringing resources that supply our needs to fulfill this calling and in His perfect timing.

01/26/18 R.G. Sharpe


Our children need us to demonstrate fortitude in life, which is having faith to face adversity. Lee Nienhuis calls this brave. In Brave Moms, Brave Kids, Lee brings hope and encouragement for us mothers to keep forging on in the raging war against our children’s souls. She offers practical methods for leading them and assisting them to develop character that will enable them to be heroes of the faith.

01/26/18 Sarah


Brave Moms, Brave Kids is so insightful but also filled with practical ways I can better parent my two boys (Ages 6 & 4). I have always struggled to strive outside the home for my purpose but Lee reminds me just how powerful my role and subsequent real-life example of modeling Christ in my life, marriage and interaction with them is. Being a Christian in our culture is like swimming upstream and requires myself and my boys to be #EverydayBrave! I feel empowered by her words, choice of scriptures and biblical principles and have already started implementing them in our home. I view my role as Mother with more joy and peace because as heavy and overwhelming as the responsibility is to be a Christlike example everyday, I know I can’t do that without becoming Brave myself, focusing on His Word daily and releasing control to Him gladly!

You will LOVE THIS BOOK and I guarantee your pages will be covered in underlines and highlights! It’s a must have and a great gift!!!!

01/25/18 Michelle F.


This book is a must read for mama’s. Lee offers wonderful advice on how to raise up the next generation to be Brave! Lee is a mama who gets it and knows just how important raising our children up in God’s word and to do his will is. It’s not just about our children’s hearts, she cares about our hearts as well. She wants our homes to be full of Christ’s love. Lee dives into giving our fears about our children to God and not holding on so tightly, so that they can grow and flourish the way God intended them too! One of the quotes that I loved by Lee, “Can we run a thousand miles with the thought that God knows what we are ready to face and when”? Mama’s, God has got this! She also gets into the root of where issues lie between us and raising our children up to be warrior prayers. Lee reminds us that we have to Pray for our kids and pray Brave prayers! This book wrecked me in the best possible way! Tears flowed, laughter came, and a new found bravery emerged! I can not wait for Lee to write another book!

01/24/18 Connie


Lee really hits home on the reality of being a momma in this world. Step back and look to Christ to lead our children forward. We need to be brave to create brave kids, and we need to use all our words through Christ’s eyes. Prayer is so powerful. Lee will help you grow into a better Christlike momma! Don’t run from him…love and lean into him.

01/22/18 Amy

This is one of the best books on raising kids and teaching them about loving themselves for who God made them to be–to be brave and stand up for themselves.

01/22/18 Liz


This book has given me a different perspective on how to face the day and how to raise my kids all while having God as a part of our lives. Lee takes you through fear and anxiety, then works through what it truly means to be BRAVE, and finishes with how to take it into action and move forward with a plan for you, your kids, and your family. I spent extra time in the first part learning and understanding how “fear is a gift from God, but it is the Enemy who takes and twists it into anxiety, worry, and more. I have marked pages, underline thoughts, and written my own thoughts in the margins. The book takes you into a deeper relationship with God and connects that with your kids through you. As moms we are warriors who face battles every day, in every form, from every direction. We need to stand, put on our armor, and be ready to face them through believing God, reflecting, asking forgiveness, diligently praying, and equipping our kids to do the same. As you read through the book you will read about real heroes, everyday heroes–not just ones found in the Bible, but ones that Lee has come face to face with. We all have a true hero inside of us, let’s raise our kids up to be BRAVE and to be true heroes.

01/22/18 Mary K.


Brave Moms, Brave Kids is a call to action for the mothers and grandmothers who are raising and influencing this current generation of young people.

We live in a culture that relentlessly bombards our children with confusion, distractions, and doubts about the character of God and truth of the gospel. As mothers who are striving to raise godly children this can feel like an exhausting endeavor. How often do we let the craziness of this world scare us into believing that we can effectively shield our children from the adversity that awaits them?

Brave Moms, Brave Kids is a tool that will equip mothers to walk in true freedom through Christ Jesus, who in turn, will raise up a generation of men and women who will play a vital role in bringing the Kingdom of God to a world in need of His redemption.

Lee recounts the story of Nehemiah who was called to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. She shares that the builders were assigned to rebuild the portion of the wall directly in front of their own homes because no one would build a more secure wall than the person living directly behind it. In the same way she states: “No one will do a better job rebuilding the spiritual walls around your child, home, and community than you.”

This book has given me a fresh perspective on my everyday life as a young mom by shedding the light of eternity on the work I do day in and day out, no matter how mundane it may seem. This message calls me to live above the examples I have had in my personal life, and above the societal norm.

We’re reminded that brave isn’t easy, but it’s worth doing anyway. I know every mom who reads this book will feel encouraged and equipped to become the brave mom she is called to be. Our kids are depending on us for it.

01/21/18 Sarah V


Brave Moms, Brave Kids came at just the time in my life that I needed the encouragement and support within the book! Lee shares from her own heart and experience the importance of raising our children to be warriors and heroes for Jesus. It takes intentionality on a mother’s part for their child to be a Christ follower. In a world where it is easy to get caught up in the negative events and stories, this book shines with inspirational examples and Scripture.

One of my favorite quotes from the book: “We cannot protect them from every fiery arrow; we must train them to lift their own shields of faith and believe God on their own. They must believe to their cores that their identity is in Christ, and that like Christ they rest secure in that unshakeable identity.” After reading this book, I am now becoming much more intentional about teaching my daughter–and myself–about the importance and value of our identity to Jesus!

Thank you, Lee, for this welcome addition to our library! I know I will want to reference this book time and time again.

01/21/18 Jennifer B.


As a mom of 6 kids, I need all the advice I can get about raising them in this scary world. Author Lee Nienhuis acknowledges a mama’s fears as she’s still in the trenches as well, and then gives tools that equip mothers. This mothering business is not for the faint of heart, and Brave Moms Brave Kids throws down the gauntlet of requiring mama to be a brave hero in order to do the noble work of raising heroes. This book is full of challenges, encouragement, and practical ways to live the brave life in front of and with your children. We cannot afford to leave this hard work of mothering to someone else. My “children will learn to love and value the Word of God by watching [me] drink it in and experience its benefits first.”

This book is rooted in the Bible and we are comforted by the truth that God has not left us to do this on our own.

01/20/18 Debi G.


I loved it! It’s just the tool a mom needs to be brave in this scary world, and to be equipped to raise brave kids who can face the future with confidence. I love how Lee writes, with a sense of humor and from her heart and life experiences. It’s practical guidance for any mom or grandma. I love her encouragement to us grandmas to pray deep and brave hero prayers asking for faith-filled followers of Christ in our family’s lineage of faith. Amen. So be it!

01/20/18 Heather G.


WOW! This book has brought me the furthest along on my spiritual journey through motherhood. My prayer life has always been lacking and praying for my children has never been a thing for me. I just didn’t know how to do it, but I desperately wanted this to be my thing.

Lee described her “campfire moment” where she realized that her children were not in fact “hers.” I prayed for God to give me MY campfire moment. God has answered that prayer in a way that is so uncomfortable for me.

I noticed a weird mole on my 5yo daughter. I took her to the dermatologist expecting to be told I was just an overcautious mom. No. The doctor decided that it needed to be removed and tested for melanoma. I had not prepared myself or my daughter for this possibility. So as I’m looking into my crying, confused daughter’s eyes, I hear, “Heather! This. This is your campfire moment.” I started praying for my daughter. Not for her comfort. Not for a negative test. I committed her to Jesus. I prayed. I have never prayed a prayer like this.

I thank God that this is the book that I had just finished during this moment of my life. While I don’t know what the outcome will be, I know that my prayer is that my daughters will always rejoice in the Father no matter their circumstances. I thank God for my “campfire moment” no matter the outcome and I’m so thankful God laid it on Lee’s heart to write.

01/20/18 Tricia


This book is wonderful for anyone involved in raising the next generation to be warriors for the kingdom of God. Lee stresses the importance of being a brave mom in order to raise brave kids and she offers practical advice on how to equip our children to become heroes of the faith, with every strategy rooted in Scripture. Our world is becoming increasingly dark, and while it can be tempting to shelter my kids, I’ve been so convicted by Lee’s words about doing the exact opposite.

I highly recommend this book!

01/20/18 Sue F.


Brave Moms, Brave Kids is a practical hands on guide for mothers of all children!

In it Lee Nienhuis shares honestly why we, as moms, need to be praying for our children, and not just for their salvation. Lee offers honest advice and wisdom for raising your children bathed in prayer. Lee gives you practical strategies for raising godly children who are heroes and warriors for Jesus. Consider this book, paired with the Bible, the hands-on guide for spiritual parenting. 

Lee shares biblical insight on how to pray for and train your children to be Christ followers. Have you ever been taught how to teach your children how to know and obey God, how to value the Word of God, how to pray, the importance of self-control, relationships and service and perhaps most importantly their identity if Christ?  In Brave Moms, Brave Kids, Lee addresses each of those topics with a practical “how to.”  As a Moms In Prayer praying mom, Lee also shares the four steps of prayer that can be used to teach your children how to pray.

This book has challenged me in my faith and taught this mother of five much about godly parenting. I highly recommend Brave Moms, Brave Kids.

01/20/18 Enid B.


This book have been one of the best Christian parenting book I had ever read thus far. Brave Moms, Brave Kids put so many things into perspective that I was not aware I should do as I raise my son. The book, overall, give a strategic and developed plan on how to raise warriors of the faith and believers. As the author herself refers on chapter one: “I began to see parenting as a sacred trust from the Lord that was about raising another human being to love and glorify God.”

The book also touches the theme about fear. In chapter two a part of it made me stop and analyze things in depth. Chapter three is another WOW chapter. Each chapter ends with a brave bold prayer that you can customize to make it your own for you and your kids.

What I loved the most about this book is the author’s transparency sharing about her own journey as a mom. She explains it so beautifully and articulate that makes it so easy to understand. Her background as a Bible teacher reflects on the book as every chapter and each quote she wrote is backed with Scripture or a Bible story to support what God meant for us as we raise our children. This book is a great tool in Christian parenting applied to the time we are living in. Highly recommend it!

01/20/18 Sharon G.


So, I was that mom who saw her daughter ride off on her bike and immediately pictured her falling and crashing. I lived way too many of my early mom years in fear, picturing dire situations that never materialized. I needed help. I wish Brave Moms, Brave Kids by Lee Nienhuis had been available then. Lee understands timid moms, and how HARD it is for them to be brave with their precious, much-loved children. I laughed out loud when she wrote: “The bold prayer ‘Use them, Lord, to reach the world’ began to morph into ‘as long as it is within driving distance of home.’”

Lee’s journey from dreams of her children changing the world, to the reality that she wanted them safe, to the bold decision that it was more important for her children to follow Christ with all their might than to be “safe” is inspiring, challenging, and encouraging. You will laugh and cry. You will find practical ideas and help for your own mothering journey. This book will make you brave, as Lee reminds you of how much MORE God loves those children of yours. I highly recommend it. But be prepared to be changed. Go find your brave!

I have now bought copies for both my grown daughters-who managed to survive childhood despite my early fears!! May God use this book to transform young moms into brave moms, wanting His best for their children!!

Write A Review

"Raising brave kids is a key to shaping generations to come. Lee has done the hard work of courage in her own life and in the life of her family to be the exact right person to walk us down this path. I'm grateful she is using her voice to call us all to be braver—for ourselves and for each other."
Annie F. Downs, bestselling author of Looking For Lovely and Let's All Be Brave

"Lee gives an honest look at a young mom's fears, worries and imperfections. Real life situations that bombard us. Yet she powerfully shares how we all can become the hero our children need so they can become the heroes this world needs. Her teaching is rich and deep in God's truth. Take your time and let your heart be transformed. Become the brave mom you want to be and leave fear behind. This is a book you will want to read again! A book every young mom needs!"
Sally Burke, president, Moms in Prayer International, and author of Unshaken

"Brave Moms, Brave Kids will be my new go-to book to encourage moms about raising faith-filled kids. Lee combines passionate, personal experience with practical application, approachability, and scriptural truth! It will change the way you parent and give you hope that you can still raise modern-day heroes of the faith."
Marlae Gritter, director of global advancement, Moms in Prayer International

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