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12 Great Choices Smart Moms Make
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Release Date: March 2007
Print Length: 256
ISBN: 978-0-7369-3885-3

12 Great Choices Smart Moms Make

eBook available at your favorite eRetailer.

Going beyond the usual advice for busy moms, life coach Robin Chaddock helps readers experience more joy, create order, and accomplish goals. In creative and fun steps, women explore their positions as God’s children, women, wives, and mothers to uncover their God-given gifts and life directions. From there they will discover 12 key decisions that will help them—

  • make the best choices for them and their families
  • plan great activities that promote family goals
  • know when to say yes and when to say no
  • handle the daily challenges of child-rearing
  • create stronger relationships
  • learn how to listen and how to be heard by their kids
  • allow themselves to play

12 Great Choices Smart Moms Make teaches women how to be all God created them to be and how to stay connected to the source of wisdom and strength—Jesus Christ.

Formerly Mom Overboard.

Meet the author

Robin Chaddock

Life coach Robin Chaddock is the author of 12 Great Choices Smart Moms Make. She holds degrees in psychology, theology, and organizational management. An award–winning community college educator, Robin also encourages hearts, inspires change, and shares God’s deep, eternal love with audience members at conferences, retreats, workshops, and seminars.

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A Word from the Author

"The very first thing God ever said to humans was, 'Take Charge!' and 12 Great Choices Smart Moms Make empowers mothers to take charge! of themselves, their families, and their lives. Learn to make great decisions, when to say yes and no, and take care of yourself and your family for maximum energy and zest for living. Find encouragement, gain perspective, and be the smart, strong mom you and God want you to be!"
Robin Chaddock, author of 12 Great Choices Smart Moms Make

Editorial Reviews

"Here are 12 simple ways you and your family can stay happy and healthy. Robin Chaddock guides you through decisions that will enable you and your family to experience more contentment, better structure, and greater joy. Encouraging and upbeat, 12 Great Choices Smart Moms Make will help you be the best mom you can be."
?Family Ministries Newsletter

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"Is your life a whirlwind spinning out of control? If so, you're not alone! Robin Chaddock, wife, mother and life coach has been there. She understands the challenge moms face to live a godly and balanced life. Robin shares her wisdom with humility, warmth, and gentle humor and encourages her readers to gain perspective by assessing priorities, adjusting attitudes, and intentionally choosing activities that honor God, family, and self. By reading 12 Great Choices Smart Moms Make, you're making a smart choice."
Lori Wildenberg, author, speaker, educator, and coauthor of Empowered Parents: Putting Faith First

"My good friend, Robin Chaddock (a wise, wonderful, warm, and caring presenter and author), and copies of 12 Great Choices Smart Moms Make would be my number one choice for a spectacular and wonderfully effective one day conference for all moms!"
Dr. Joan Malick, Second Presbyterian Church

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