


Weekly Devotionals

Posted on Nov 08, 2022    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

An Anchor of the Soul Life is uncertain in our world, but as followers of the Lord we can have hope. The Christmas present to be opened every day of the year is written in the Lord’s own hand: “Lo, I will be with you always.” Read more >

Posted on Jul 17, 2017    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Day 144

Sometimes it seems that the American church’s highest value is what Francis Schaeffer called “personal peace and affluence.” We want to be accepted by everyone. We don’t want to be controversial. Above all, we don’t want to suffer.

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Posted on Jun 26, 2017    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

​Flying Standby

So whenever you find yourself looking out the window in judgment of others, turn back to the mirror and see who you are. You’ll find the mirror has a memory.

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Posted on Jun 19, 2017    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

His Devotion to You

Though we know our true treasures are in heaven, we often times become more preoccupied with the riches of earth. 

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Posted on Jun 12, 2017    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Day 27

We are pilgrims in this life, not because our home will never be on Earth, but because our ultimate home isn’t on the present Earth (which is under the Curse). 

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Posted on May 30, 2017    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Day 85

More theological battles have been lost to enemies inside the church than to those outside.

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Posted on May 22, 2017    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Wait for God’s Answer

Anger’s roar may be filling the ears of our heart. Worry may mute our soul’s capacity to listen to the Spirit. When we trust Jesus, we’re in a position to hear Jesus

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Posted on May 15, 2017    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Surround Yourself With Supportive People Who Tell You The Truth

When we have been wounded, we naturally seek out people who can help apply the salve of support and sympathy. 

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Posted on May 08, 2017    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Birds of a Feather

I’m grateful for the times a friend has offered to help me before I even had a chance to ask. When people are perceptive enough to discern what we need and when we need it, they become vessels for God’s provision.

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Posted on Apr 24, 2017    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

A Time is Coming

You’re like me. You meet people like Anushka in your community every day. Trouble is, we never look—I mean, look deeply—at a run-of-the-mill shopkeeper and picture that person rising out of a grave, either to live or to be condemned.

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Posted on Mar 27, 2017    Topic : Weekly Devotionals


I’ve found that anytime, at any place, and on any day, my list of priorities are susceptible to falling out of order.

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Posted on Mar 13, 2017    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Today Is For Living

It’s time to discard past mistakes and let yesterday do the job it was made for. 

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Posted on Feb 27, 2017    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

The Fresh Air of Possibilities

I’m a quadriplegic, yet I can drive a van.

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Posted on Feb 21, 2017    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

​Sharing from our Need

Friend, God honors hospitality in unique ways.

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Posted on Feb 13, 2017    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Deliverance from Fear

The more you think upon the Lord and the less you think of yourself, the better off you become.

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Posted on Jan 23, 2017    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

​Tenacious Truth

The statutes of God stand firm forever. No secular storm can blow His truth from its moorings.

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Posted on Jan 02, 2017    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Just Like Us

You have a divine purpose rooted in God’s plan.

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Posted on Nov 28, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Lord, Help Me to Be a Godly Role Model for My Grandchildren

What a magnificent promise from God to His people who reverence Him and live His way.

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Posted on Nov 21, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Lord, Bless Me in the Work I Do

Lord, I thank You for the abilities You have given me. Where I am lacking in skill help me to grow and improve so that I do my work well.

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Posted on Oct 31, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Lord, Set Me Free from Negative Emotions

Rescue me when my spirit is overwhelmed within me; my heart within me is distressed (Psalm 143:4).

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Posted on Oct 24, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

A Narrow Escape

God will keep us. He’ll help. He’ll intervene—perhaps just in the nick of time. Is that too close for comfort? Maybe. But our trust in Him was never meant

to be comfortable—only close. And the nick of time is close enough.

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Posted on Oct 10, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

The Refining Process

Enduring the refining process is not easy, but it is essential if we are to cultivate an eternal perspective.

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Posted on Oct 03, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

New Self

Regardless of what we say or do, God knows what we think and feel.

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Posted on Sep 19, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Ready to Forgive

But God is not like us human beings, who sometimes take sinister delight in withholding forgiveness from others.

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Posted on Sep 12, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Request for Restoration

Disobedience is like swimming upstream in a raging river.

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Posted on Aug 29, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Lord, Protect My Grandchildren from Any Danger or Threat

We must pray daily for God’s hand of protection to cover our grandchildren.

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Posted on Aug 22, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Learning to Pray Boldly

Elijah saw some unique answers to prayer, but his ability to pray was not unique.

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Posted on Aug 15, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Naive Expectations

There’s no such thing as a trouble-free life. To think otherwise is naive, presumptuous, and proud. Pride does this. It instills false confidence and unrealistic expectations

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Posted on Aug 08, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Rich Affection

Money is a lover who romances us regularly.

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Posted on Aug 01, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

A Gracious Judge

Condemning sin is not the same as judging the sinner

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Posted on Jul 04, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

​Praying for Spiritual Leaders and Servants

God, I ask You to bless all those in full-time ministry.

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Posted on Jun 27, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Fret Buster - 8

Father, calm my restless spirit, quiet my anxious heart, and still my troubling thoughts with...

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Posted on Jun 20, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Victory Will Come

I will be victorious.

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Posted on Jun 13, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals


Jesus will stand with you and strengthen you to accomplish the tasks he’s given you to do.

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Posted on Jun 06, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

He Enables, We Enjoy

When you find yourself taking credit for an accomplishment, don’t forget who really made it possible.

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Posted on May 30, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Peace in the Midst of the Storm

Lord, please bring me into Your peace so I can know You as my Prince of Peace.

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Posted on May 16, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

The Best Offense

You may never know in this life all the things that God has shielded you from.

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Posted on May 09, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Stop Praying and Start Moving

Sometimes prayer is an excuse for inaction.

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Posted on Apr 25, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

When I Need to Communicate Love

Place in my mind loving thoughts and feelings for the people in my life

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Posted on Apr 11, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Led to Be Separate from the Past

You cannot find the wholeness God has for you if you don’t separate yourself from your past.

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Posted on Apr 04, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Pop Quiz

Did your teachers ever hand out pop quizzes? You’d arrive at school expecting a normal day with little or no stress, and out of nowhere a teacher would announce a pop quiz. You had to be caught up on your studies or you’d fail the quiz.

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Posted on Mar 21, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Led to Lead Others to Find Hope in the Lord

When you find your hope in the Lord, you cannot just keep it to yourself. You have to share it with others.

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Posted on Mar 14, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

What’s On Your Name Tag?

A young man named Jordan wrote me his story. The first sentence said, “Hello, my name is Jordan, and I am a drug addict.”

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Posted on Mar 07, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Dead Things

At times we have no clue about the “why” behind God’s actions—or, more often it seems, His lack of visible action—in our circumstances.

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Posted on Feb 29, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

When the Failure of Others Tests Our Faith

People will let us down from time to time—even the best mentors, even our favorite preachers, even the people we need the most will disappoint us.

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Posted on Feb 22, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Appreciate Serving the Right Way

You want to be number one? Then here is the secret: look for every opportunity you can to be number two.

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Posted on Feb 15, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Praying for Healing

Healing and body care are two different things.

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Posted on Feb 08, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Day One - Emotional Strongholds

The battle to overcome your emotional strongholds is a battle for your mind. Whoever and whatever controls your mind controls your emotions (and your actions). So if you are worrying, stressed out, and depressed, you’re probably thinking things that aren’t true. That’s why the apostle Paul tells us we don’t war against the flesh, but against Satan’s attacks on our mind.

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Posted on Feb 01, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

A Question in the Stillness

As we pull the covers to our chins at night and settle into our pillows, one question should bring our day into the presence of God for his scrutiny. Did the life I lived today please you, God?

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Posted on Jan 25, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Looking for a Breakthrough?

Have you ever needed a breakthrough in your life? Or some kind of deliverance?

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Posted on Jan 18, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

The Passion of Christ - The Rest of the Story

Jesus took on the cross what you will have to take for all eternity if you don’t take Jesus.

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Posted on Jan 11, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Father, I Forgive Them

I don’t know about you, but when I’ve just been hurt by someone, the last thing I want to do is pray for that person.

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Posted on Jan 04, 2016    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Jesus in Other People

Wouldn’t it be great to actually see Jesus in person?

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Posted on Dec 28, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Fret Buster 22

How much peace does it take to balance out the anxiety in our lives?

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Posted on Dec 21, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

The Unbroken Promise

If you were to compare each of God’s prophets to a musical instrument, Isaiah had a voice like a trumpet.

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Posted on Dec 14, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

A Messy Messiah

May we always remember we are, like Adam, only dust. But also, like Christ, we are sons of God and co-heirs of a grand kingdom.

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Posted on Dec 07, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

I Am Safe in the Protection of God

Nothing frees you to walk the tightrope of life—to perform daring feats outside your comfort zone—like knowing you’re safe in your heavenly Father’s care.

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Posted on Nov 30, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Hungry World

We live in a hungry world. Thirsty too. And as people eat the dust of this world and drink its acrid waters, they become increasingly dissatisfied.

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Posted on Nov 23, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

The Snort

If we are honest, most of us have been guilty of a forceful, rude blast of pride.

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Posted on Nov 16, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Steps to Forgiveness - Day 5

In His providence, God will bring about His intended result, and He will do it at the perfect time.

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Posted on Nov 09, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

No Conflicting Reports

Some time ago, I attended the funeral of an older gentleman. As I sat with his friends, co-workers, and family members in the chapel, I listened as one by one they took turns saying a few words in tribute.

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Posted on Nov 02, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

The Works of God on Display

Tim was born with cerebral palsy. He approached me as I walked off the stage after a concert in Georgia, and we struck up a conversation.

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Posted on Oct 26, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

A Grave Buster

Whatever Jesus is doing in your life, he’s doing it not primarily to satisfy you but to glorify God.

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Posted on Oct 19, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Bread for the Journey

We need not hunger, nor fear, nor feel unloved. We need only to partake of our daily Bread of life.

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Posted on Oct 12, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Worry - Day 1

Many struggles in your life can become emotional strongholds, holding you hostage and keeping you from wholeheartedly serving and trusting God and experiencing the abundant life He has promised.

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Posted on Oct 05, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Strong and Secure

The Lord is strong and secure. Satan and his demons cannot scale His fortress.

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Posted on Sep 28, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

I Am Holy Before God

Have you ever had difficulty with the Scripture passage, “Be holy, because I am holy” (1 Peter 1:16)? Because most people think being holy is synonymous with being sinless, they think, Who could possibly be holy? It’s unattainable…unimaginable!

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Posted on Sep 22, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Loving One Another

What is God’s brand? It isn’t people carrying Bibles underneath their arms. Neither is it “Christianese”—language designed to make some people sound holier or more spiritual than others.

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Posted on Sep 14, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

I Am Created to Do Good Works for Christ

We all know what it is like to feel small. As we look around us, it is easy to see people who are performing with peak proficiency, people who are being accomplished with quickness and creativity. In comparison, we often feel small and feel that we are inadequate, incapable, even inept.

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Posted on Sep 08, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Love Forgives

True love forgives regardless of the infraction because it transcends mistreatment.

What is your standard for forgiveness?

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Posted on Aug 31, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Accepting One Another

The preacher thought, “She’s so disheveled, and she smells like she’s been cleaning toilets.

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Posted on Aug 17, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Invite Instruction

Wise people invite instruction. They understand that correction and rebuke are necessary if they are to grow in wisdom and righteous behavior.

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Posted on Aug 10, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Embracing His Fellowship

I want to be like Christ. But honestly, I want to be like the Christ who turned the water into wine, not the Christ who thirsted on a cross.

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Posted on Aug 03, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Day Two of “30 Days to Victory through Forgiveness”

The Pelicano was once the most unwelcome ship in the world. For more than two years it sailed the open seas—the Flying Dutchman of the twentieth century.

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Posted on Jul 27, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

I Am Given the Mind of Christ

In the midst of confusion, you need the mind of Christ. In the midst of conflict, when criticism is caustic and when advice is adversarial, you need the mind of Christ. As long as you live, there will always be those who are mentally and emotionally on the attack.

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Posted on Jul 20, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Pursue Righteousness

What does it mean to pursue righteousness? We know how to pursue happiness or financial security. We may pursue a husband or wife, but what is the pursuit of righteousness?

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Posted on Jul 13, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

I Am Being Conformed to Christ

Before a thrilled Olympic audience in 1976, Dorothy Hamill created a sensation as she skated to victory with her “Hamill camel.” Yet even more amazing was the fashion sensation she created with a haircut known as “the wedge,” later called the “Hamill haircut.”

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Posted on Jul 06, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Keep Showing Up

Do you ever struggle with stamina? Do you sometimes need extra motivation to keep showing up at work, to continue being truly present in relationships, and to maintain your commitment to serve?

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Posted on Jun 29, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

A Stanza of Hope

As we walk among the ruins of our lives, can we hope that they will ever be rebuilt?

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Posted on Jun 22, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Fret Buster 16

The only reason to fear or worry is if the Lord had said…

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Posted on Jun 15, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

I Am Given Complete Access to God

As you were growing up, what kind of “signs” did your father wear? Was he labeled approachableavailableaccessible?

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Posted on Jun 08, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

When I Need to Forget Some Things and Never Forget Others

Dear God, today grant me what You promised:

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Posted on Jun 01, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Never Give Up

Have you ever wrestled with a difficult relationship, trying to make things work but to no avail?

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Posted on May 26, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Sharing Christ

Why are we quick to recommend doctors who heal us physically but sometimes reluctant to recommend the One who offers spiritual healing?

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Posted on May 04, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Counting on Him

How will I ever get through this? That’s the question we often ask ourselves when faced with a trial that overwhelms us. 

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Posted on Apr 21, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Confidence Because God is Faithful

Confidence is not based on you having all the resources needed to take care of yourself. True confidence is based on the truth that God is faithful.

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Posted on Apr 13, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

A Big Eraser on Tax Day

Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Psalm 51:1

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Posted on Apr 02, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Freedom from the Law

You stand before God right now in a place of complete innocence. It may sound too good to be true, but the Bible explains why this is so.

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Posted on Mar 30, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Today is a Gift

"This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it,” says Psalm 118:24 (NLT). These words resonate with us some days more than others. Do you agree?

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Posted on Mar 23, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

The Need for the Cross

The cross is the defining portrait of Christ; it is, in fact, how He defined Himself because He said that He came into the world to die. He was born to give His life as a ransom for many (Mark 10:45).

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Posted on Mar 16, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Transformed by Trials

The Lord of hosts has sworn saying, “Surely, just as I have intended so it has happened, and just as I have planned so it will stand.” Isaiah 14:24

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Posted on Mar 09, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

The Confidence of Faith

Being confident in life is fundamentally an issue of faith. Faith relates to all of life. “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).

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Posted on Mar 09, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

I Am Chosen by God

Have you ever longed to be chosen because you were really wanted, because you were really desired?

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Posted on Mar 02, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Transforming Our Culture

“When seventy years have been completed for Babylon, I will visit you and fulfill My good word to you, to bring you back to this place. For I know the plans that I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:10-11

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Posted on Feb 23, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Help, Please

Lord, thank You for hearing simple prayers.

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Posted on Feb 16, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

When I Need Hope

Dear God, I need hope! I long for authentic hope that is more than shallow optimism, wishful thinking, or anxious yearning.

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Posted on Feb 09, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

When I Need God’s Faithfulness

Almighty God, it’s an assurance of Your faithfulness I need in tough times. And all I need to do is turn to the Bible to hear the resounding affirmation of Your faithfulness.

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Posted on Feb 02, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

When I Feel Depleted

Almighty God, when I humble myself and confess my aching need for You, You lift me up and grant me opportunities beyond my imagination.

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Posted on Jan 26, 2015    Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Out of a Whirlwind

Huddled in a cave and miles away from his home, Elijah tried to warm himself and remember how he got to this place. Queen Jezebel and her violent threats against him came rushing back to his mind, crowding out the memory of the miracle God had done on Mount Carmel and the spiritual victory that had been gained there. Now he hid in fear.

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