


Sharing Christ

Posted on May 26, 2015   Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Lord, enable me to talk about You with grace and boldness.

Why are we quick to recommend doctors who heal us physically but sometimes reluctant to recommend the One who offers spiritual healing?

Evangelism can be difficult. No doubt fear plays a role—fear of being labeled a religious fanatic, of offending someone with differing views, of stumbling over our words, and of rejection.

Fear is big, but we can alleviate it by remembering this truth: Convicting people of sin and their need for Christ is not our job. That’s the Holy Spirit’s role.

Our job is to tactfully tell what Christ has done for us. We need not feel embarrassed or apologetic. We simply need to say what we’ve experienced and, in doing so, introduce the One who’s brought healing and hope.

The apostle Paul said, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16). He boldly proclaimed Christ. Let’s ask God to give us the courage to do likewise.

Take Action: Pray for an opportunity to speak about Christ to someone today.

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