


Lord, Help Me to Be a Godly Role Model for My Grandchildren

Posted on Nov 28, 2016   Topic : Weekly Devotionals

We don’t live in a vacuum. Everything we do—or don’t do—can affect our family in some way in the spirit realm. For example, God’s Word says, “Blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who delights greatly in His commandments. His descendants will be mighty on earth” (Psalm 112:1-2). That means that even though each person is responsible before God for their own relationship and walk with Him, there are still countless blessings and benefits for our children and grandchildren because we love, serve, worship, honor, and obey God.

What a magnificent promise from God to His people who reverence Him and live His way. That’s why, no matter how long and how well we have walked with God, it’s always good for us to humbly ask that He show us if there is anything in our heart or in our life that does not please Him. After all, any one of us can have unforgiveness, bitterness, doubt, or unloving thoughts toward someone and not think of it as sin. Those attitudes often creep in without us even realizing it if we don’t ask God to help us stay aware. It’s better to get all sin out in the open before God so we can confess it to Him and be free of any hindrance to our prayers being answered.

Because our descendants receive blessings when we live God’s way, it’s important that we not only always live God’s way, but that we demonstrate it in real ways that are clear to them.

1 Comments   Leave a Comment »

Emamode on 11/29/16

Very encouraging. May God help us!

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