


Led to Lead Others to Find Hope in the Lord

Posted on Mar 21, 2016   Topic : Weekly Devotionals

You are valuable in your realm of influence, and you can be used by God in the lives of certain people in a way no one else can. Even if you feel you have nothing to offer, this is not true. You have the Holy Spirit in you. You can help people lift their eyes to the Lord, where their hope comes from.

When you find your hope in the Lord, you cannot just keep it to yourself. You have to share it with others.

Hope means you anticipate that something good is going to happen to you, because you are God’s child and He loves you and takes care of you. Do you realize how many people never feel that? They need you to tell them about the hope you have and how they can have that same hope too. They need to understand why they can put their hope in God.

Because you are guided by the Holy Spirit, you will be able to comfort, guide, and teach others. If you have a heart for people who are hurting or feel hopeless and discouraged in their situation, ask the Holy Spirit to help you minister love, hope, and encouragement to those whom God brings into your life. He will give you the right words at the right time. He will open up opportunities to talk with a friend or acquaintance, or you may be sitting on a plane or bus with a stranger who may be intrigued by the hope they sense in you, and a door will open. Remember, people don’t want to be impressed with your abilities; they want to hear how God can help them get rid of their emptiness and pain.

When the opportunity arises to minister the love and hope of God to someone, the Holy Spirit will enable you to do it in a way that will make a lasting impact on that person’s life. And it will glorify God in the most effective and powerful way. When God opens the door, don’t worry about what to say. Just be God’s love extended.

Prayer Power

Lord, help me to communicate the hope I have in You to others who need to hear about it. Teach me to sense when someone is discouraged and hopeless. Enable me to “always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks” me about my reason for the hope within me (1 Peter 3:15). Enable me to lead others to see the hope they have in You, as well. I know Your eye is on those who fear You and who put their hope in You and Your mercy (Psalm 33:18). I commit to You as a laborer in Your field and say, “I will hope continually, and will praise You yet more and more” (Psalm 71:14).

I know happiness comes from serving You as Lord and putting my hope in You (Psalm 146:5). When I am speaking to someone about the hope I have, I pray that You, “the God of hope,” will fill that person with a sense of hope like they have never known before (Romans 15:13). Help me to remember to tell the person I am speaking to that whenever he feels hopeless about anything, turning to You in prayer and reading Your Word can ignite hope within him. Enable me to convince him that putting his hope in You, the God of the impossible, means there will always be hope for anything in his life.

In Jesus’ name I pray.

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