


The Works of God on Display

Posted on Nov 02, 2015   Topic : Weekly Devotionals

This happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. John 9:3 NIV

Tim was born with cerebral palsy. He approached me as I walked off the stage after a concert in Georgia, and we struck up a conversation. We talked about our love for baseball and gave each other a hard time when we found out we were fans of rival teams. Then he said, “I want to tell you my favorite Bible verses. In John 9:1-3 the disciples passed by a blind man and asked Jesus why he was born blind. I love Jesus’s answer to them! He said that the man was born blind so the works of God might be displayed through him.” Tim had a huge grin on his face as if to say, “I can relate to that blind man.”

Tim’s hands are crippled. I watched him use one hand to push the other out of the way for our picture, jokingly shouting to his hand, “Down, boy!” Tim is confined to his wheelchair, and he’s had more surgeries than he can count. But he’s not asking why. Instead, he’s asking how. “How is God going to display His works through me today?”

What a perspective! What a challenge to look at life the way Tim does. I told Tim that was exactly what I sensed when I first saw him. I saw the power of God and the joy of the Lord.

I challenge you to ask God to give you Tim’s perspective today. Instead of being like the disciples and asking why, ask God how.

Lord, how are You going to display Your work through me today?

Read more in Today Is Day One by Matthew West

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