


The Snort

Posted on Nov 23, 2015   Topic : Weekly Devotionals

As for all his adversaries, he snorts at them. Psalm 10:5

In my 35 years of hunting the whitetail deer, I have had many occasions to be startled by their loud, unexpected snorting. It is especially shocking, for example, before daylight as I slip through the blackness of the predawn hour on my way to a stand. Unaware the deer are there and that my presence in their territory has been detected, I am, without exception, brought to my emotional knees when they make their displeasure known with a resounding nasal blast.

For whatever reason they do it, whether to intimidate a threatening intruder or to warn other deer of danger or to simply clear their “smeller,” I am always rattled to the core by the noise. I suppose they are doing what comes naturally, but these sudden, ear-splitting sounds have taken years off my life.

Interestingly, in the Scriptures it is said that man has been known to snort. While the deer does it as an innocent, natural response, man is usually guilty of intentionally using it for an unholy reason. In the original language of Psalm 10:5, the word for snort, puwach, has the following connotations: puff, pant, scoff, or speak in a harsh manner. In most cases, it seems that a wicked man’s snorting is an audible, outward sign of an inward case of pride and arrogance against the presence of righteousness. Also, it is often a reaction to those times when a person doesn’t get his way. Deer likely snort in self-defense. Man, however, snorts in defense of self.

While a deer’s snort is distinctively consistent in its sound, man’s has various tones to it. It can take the form of a car horn blown by an irate driver. It might come out as profanity when a sore loser is being defeated in a sporting competition. Some snorts sound like malicious gossip intended to demean someone as a result of jealousy. At one time or another you have probably heard a human snort—never a pretty sound to hear or a sweet sound to make.

If we are honest, most of us have been guilty of a forceful, rude blast of pride. Sadly, we have probably done it without knowing what a shock it was to everyone nearby. The next time a startled, vocal deer shocks your socks off, let it remind you to be careful to control your mouth. After all, a snort is just hot air!

Lord, there have been times when I have been considered an enemy to the wicked and have heard their snorts. Thank You for delivering me from the painful effects of their anger. Knowing that scoffing at others is never a sweet sound, I pray that You will come alongside me and help me overcome arrogance in my own heart and avoid blasting others with it. Instead, make my words pleasant to hear in the ears of those around me. In Your name I pray. Amen.

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