


Invite Instruction

Posted on Aug 17, 2015   Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Invite instruction

Wise people invite instruction. They understand that correction and rebuke are necessary if they are to grow in wisdom and righteous behavior. Without well-meaning instructors willing to get in our faces, we aspire to be average at best. However, an invitation to meddle in our affairs sets the stage for authentic accountability. Effective correction makes us uncomfortable at times, but we become wiser as a result. Indeed, conflict is inherent in accountability.

So if your relationships are conflict free, perhaps no one is holding you accountable in a significant way. Wisdom comes to us in raw relationships that can stand the strain of loving reproof and are characterized by a willingness to change. A rebuke wakes you up and alerts you to the realities you are facing. Your spouse is not nagging, but nudging you to act responsibly. Therefore, invite instruction, and you will increase in wisdom and understanding. Wise recipients of reproof have no regrets.

Like an earring of gold or an ornament of fine gold is the rebuke of a wise judge to a listening ear (Proverbs 25:12).

Also, be willing to be the bearer of bad news. With love and grace, go to your friend who has asked for your counsel, and give him or her truth. Pray first and then deliver the unpleasant news. It is much better for others to see the error of their ways now than to reach a point of no return. Talk to them, not about them. Pray for them privately, not publicly with a pious prayer request.

Love motivates rebuke and then becomes a recipient of love. Your relationship will dissolve in anger or rise to a higher level of respect through righteous rebuke. Take the time to prod another toward perfection because you care. Be respectful and instruct with patience. One day the student’s wisdom may exceed that of the teacher.

The student is not above the teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like their teacher (Luke 6:40).

To whom do I need to listen, learning from their correction and rebuke?

RelateReadings: Psalm 141:5; 2 Peter 3:18; 2 Timothy 4:2; Revelation 3:19

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