


I Am Given the Mind of Christ

Posted on Jul 27, 2015   Topic : Weekly Devotionals

"We have the mind of Christ" 1 Corinthians 2:16

One cold evening, the fire was warming, as was our conversation. I was spending special time with one of my closest friends—one whom I’ve known for many years. Several times during the evening, I would start to say something and before I could get my thoughts completely formed, she would finish my sentence. Twice, I remember, we said the same word at the same time.

My friend and I have a unique oneness of mind and spirit. We know each other’s sensitivities and sorrows, the preferences and the pains.

How amazing it is that God offers you the same oneness with His Son. He wants you to know His heart by knowing His Word. He wants His thinking to saturate your thoughts. His plan from the beginning has been that His nature become your “second nature.”

When you are given a new life in Christ, you are given a new nature. Nature simply means doing what comes naturally. God gives you the capacity to think as He naturally thinks. What an extraordinary gift!

A writer friend of mine told me every time she sits down to write, she first prays she will have the mind of Christ—His thoughts flowing through her as she writes. Her comment had a strong impact on me—I now pray in the same way.

In the midst of confusion, you need the mind of Christ. In the midst of conflict, when criticism is caustic and when advice is adversarial, you need the mind of Christ. As long as you live, there will always be those who are mentally and emotionally on the attack.

Remember Job’s “friends”? Although Job had done nothing wrong, he was besieged with assumptions that he had sinned. He was weighed down by their words, and volumes of verbiage.

At times you may feel like Job, wondering what is true. The advice-givers go on and on, weaving their webs of words. Somehow you feel caught. Can you possibly break free? The answer is yes, because as you develop the mind of Christ, His divine wisdom and discernment are available to you as well.

Knowing the mind of Christ comes from times spent with Him and His Word. Seeing yourself through God’s eyes, you develop a deeper oneness of mind and spirit. There can be no greater basis for friendship!

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