


Lord, Protect My Grandchildren from Any Danger or Threat

Posted on Aug 29, 2016   Topic : Weekly Devotionals

We are all well aware of the many dangers in the world today. They are worse than we ever imagined they could be and found in places we never thought to be unsafe before—such as schools, movie theaters, restaurants, and malls. They are sometimes perpetrated by people we might never have thought to be so dangerously abnormal.

How do we begin to protect our children and grandchildren wherever they are? We can homeschool them and keep them out of theaters and malls, but even then there are still no guarantees. One day they have to go out in the world, and, as we have seen, disaster can happen anywhere.

Neither we nor their parents can protect our grandchildren from everything. Only God can do that.

We must pray daily for God’s hand of protection to cover our grandchildren. Even when I take care of my grandchildren in my own home, I pray constantly that God will protect them and help me to recognize all possible dangers. I have two little ones under the age of two right now, and I can’t take my eyes off them for even a second. The thought of something happening to one of them at any time is horrifying, but it would be unthinkable if it occurred on my watch. I’m always praying fervently about this. As we well know, accidents happen quickly and suddenly. So we must be praying ongoingly for God’s protection on our grandchildren, as well as their parents, caretakers, other grandparents, or family members who help care for them.

Pray that your grandchildren will be safe in their own home. Freak accidents happen at home when least expected. That’s because home is where we let down our guard and don’t always see possible dangers ahead.

Pray that your grandchildren will be safe wherever they travel. Pray they will be safe in every car, plane, bus, or train they are traveling in. Pray for their safety wherever they ride a bicycle or walk—on every street and in every building they enter.

Pray for good and safe neighborhoods for your grandchildren to live in. Pray for godly neighbors. The Bible says, “Do not devise evil against your neighbor, for he dwells by you for safety’s sake” (Proverbs 3:29). Good neighbors are a big part of your grandchildren’s safety. If they are not in a safe neighborhood now, pray that they and their family will be able to move to one that is. Pray that any unseen dangers, wherever they are, will be exposed and not able to threaten your grandchildren at any time.

Pray there will be no sudden accidents. Each of my children had to be rushed to the emergency room for stitches in their forehead when they were about two years old, and each accident occurred right in front of me. I was no more than two feet away from them, and the situation happened so fast I could do nothing to stop it. Both of them made a sudden move I wasn’t expecting. My son suddenly leaped on my bed and hit the headboard. My daughter started to run in a hotel room, and before I could even get the words “Don’t run!” out of my mouth, she tripped and fell into the corner of a wall. I learned to always pray about sudden accidents after that.

Pray for your grandchildren to grow up with a great ability to sense danger. Ask God to enable them to know when something they are doing could be a danger to themselves or others. Having a sense of danger has spared my life countless times and the lives of my children as well. God gives us wisdom, insight, revelation, understanding, and common sense when we ask for that. And His Spirit speaks to us about what to do or not do.

God says when you turn to Him, “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it,’ whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left” (Isaiah 30:21). Pray that your grandchildren are able to hear these words from God to their heart at an early age.

Still, as much as we pray and as hard as we try, accidents can happen. When they do, pray there will be no permanent damage and everyone will learn to be more cautious because of it. The truth is, only God can keep us and our children and grandchildren in the safety for which we long every day. Only God can protect us, and those for whom we pray, from unseen dangers lurking about. We must never stop praying about that.

All that being said, children can still become ill or injured, and some may die. It’s one of life’s heartbreaking and unthinkable realities. And there are many reasons that can happen, which are too extensive to go into now. But if it does happen, may we have the comfort of knowing that it was not because we didn’t pray. And though our hearts are broken and the loss will be felt for a lifetime, we have the assurance that this precious child is with Jesus and we will see him or her again.

My Prayer to God

Lord, I pray for my grandchildren. (Name each grandchild before God.) I ask that You would put Your hand of protection upon them. Keep them safe from accidents or dangers of any kind. Surround them with Your angels. I know that “You alone” can make them to “dwell in safety” (Psalm 4:8). Help them to understand that You are their protector, and You can keep them safe when they live Your way and seek Your hand of protection. Enable them to see that when they go their own way, without regard for Your way, they walk out from under Your umbrella of protection.

Give my grandchildren the ability to sense danger—either to themselves or to others. Help them to hear Your voice speaking to their heart saying, “Walk this way, not that way.” (See Isaiah 30:21.) Give them no peace about going anyplace, or doing anything, that will expose them or others to danger.

I pray that my grandchildren will always live in safe neighborhoods with godly neighbors. Teach them to be a blessing to their neighbors and to people in their school, workplace, and wherever they go. Where there are dangerous people around, I pray that none will come near to threaten them in any way. Expose the threats that bullies and bad people can impose on them, and remove these people from their surroundings. If necessary, I pray that my grandchildren and their family will be able to move to a safer neighborhood.

Keep all my grandchildren’s parents, stepparents, caretakers, and everyone around them alert to possible dangers at all times. Give all who care for them the ability to see ahead what the dangers are. Whenever I’m around them, make me aware of all possible dangers as well. Show me anything I need to see. Keep my grandchildren safe in cars, planes, trains, buses, on bicycles, and in any other form of transportation. Keep them safe wherever they walk and in whatever activity they are involved in. Thank You, Lord, that I can have peace because I know that You protect us and help us to live safely when we pray and live Your way.

In Jesus’ name I pray.

40 Comments   Leave a Comment »

A Concerned Grandmother on 06/26/18

Please Lord, protect my precious granddaughters, aged 1 and 3, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Help their mother too. I pray my son will open his eyes. May they all accept Jesus as their Savior. Please Lord, Satan needs to flee. May negative and evil be replaced with fruits of the Spirit. Lord, watch over them. Guide me in what to do.

In Christ Name. Amen.
Thank you, Lord.

Carol on 08/12/18

Please Lord, keep Poppy, Jake, and Emily safe. Please give my son, their father, more patience with them. I trust in you, Lord, and place them in your safe hands. I ask this in your blessed name. Thank you, Jesus!

Phyllis E. on 08/13/18

I am praying for my granddaughter, that she be protected and focused while she is away in college. In Jesus name, Amen.

Debra T. on 08/20/18

I am praying for my granddaughter as she starts her official first day of college away from home. I pray God’s peace and protection over her and her roommate. I pray that they be focused and use Godly wisdom in every decision they have to make.
In Jesus Name, Amen.

Cynthia F. on 08/27/18

I’m praying for my grandson, on the football field and when he travels to other schools, to be protected from injuries and safe from all harm.

Debra on 09/19/18

Please, Lord. Put hedge of protection around my 15-year-old grandson.
In Jesus Name.
Thank you, Father.

Shannon on 09/19/18

Lord I pray for my grandchildren, that you would watch over them physically, emotionally, and spiritually. That you would lead and guide their parents in every way and that you would save, heal and deliver them all. 

In Jesus name, Amen.

Anonymous on 09/21/18

Lord, I present my grandchild and his mother before you. Keep them from any danger that may come to them. Put a hedge of protection again, from all bullies at school, and gift him wisdom to make the right decision. Assign angels for protection over their lives, and teach them the way they should go. In Jesus’s name. Amen.

Red on 09/26/18

I pray for protection for my granddaughter and happiness and for happy people and good people in her life. I pray that my daughter will be a good person in her life that will love her well. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen.

anonymous on 10/16/18

Protect all my grand children, oh Dear Lord, from all evil and evil doers, from bullies. Enlighten them in their studies and bring them closer to You, where they can learn to give themselves to thee and enjoy the rewards of thy Love. Give my oldest granddaughter confidence, make her happy again Dear Lord, and take away her depression. In Jesus name. Amen.

Dee W. on 10/17/18

Continuous prayers for my daughter and her wonderful son. I am asking for God’s angels to protect my nine-year-old grandson in all that he thinks, in all that he does, and in all the interactions with those he is in contact with daily. Most important, I’m asking for my daughter’s mental health to improve and that she will embrace God through Jesus Christ.
Thank you and Amen.

Sky'iana on 10/21/18

Lord, I ask You to protect my granddaughter. Give her guidance, Lord. Send her home where she needs to be. Work out the problems with her and her dad and step mother so that she can go home. Wherever she is, send her home to me. Lord, bring her and Michele back to the church. She needs positive people in her life. And help her with her school work.
Thank you, Lord. I know You are a way maker.
Lord, I ask all these prayers in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Sandra on 10/31/18

I need prayer please for my grandchild they’re getting picked on at school by a bully.

Nuna on 11/05/18

Jesus Christ, I pray that your guardian Angels protect my granddaughter. Every breath she takes, every step she makes. That the Holy Spirit opens His wings and guides her to you Jesus. I told her months ago, never lose faith. Miracles happen. Jesus, bless her always. Waiting with open arms to have her in my arms soon.  Give her the love she needs. Amen.

Tammy A. on 11/12/18

Heavenly Father, I come to ask you to put your presence around our children and grandchildren. I plead your blood upon their minds, thoughts, emotions, spirit, and souls, and your angels upon them at all times. Bring your anointing and fire and love in there hearts, in Jesus name.

Terry B. on 12/03/18

I ask for prayer for my granddaughter. Please protect her from those that seek to have her act, think, and feel in a manner not in accordance with God’s will. Remove from her life those who are a very bad influence on her and are causing her to make wrong choices. Keep her innocent and humble and kind. Keep her surrounded by your angels that they will make hedge of protection around her.

Lord, you know what is being put before her and I pray you keep her from going down a wrong path. I plead the Blood of The Lamb, your son Jesus Christ, over her. In Jesus name, I come before you and plead with my whole heart. Amen.

Bridgette C. on 12/07/18

I pray for God’s divine protection for my granddaughter, who is experiencing bullying from classmates at school and has been admitted to a psychiatric hospital undergoing evaluations.

Wrap Your loving arms around her in the mighty name of Jesus.

Geneva S. on 12/20/18

Lord, please protect My granddaughter from the evil that is surrounding her. Please let her mother get the help she needs. Please, God, keep her in a safe place around people who love, protect, care, and nurture her with love. God she is only one year old and is unable to let someone know she is being hurt, so God please block any evil thing or person from harming her. Please give us a sign to let us know we need to step in and protect her. God I trust you and know that you will not let anything happen to her. Thank you for protecting her and preventing any type of harm to her….Amen

Terri on 12/22/18

I am praying for my granddaughter. Lord, you know what we are going through as I am fighting to keep her safe from the evil she had no control over. I pray you will keep your hands on her as she does not know what the truth is. I know you have your angels protecting her and I know you will continue your protection as we are fighting the evil. I ask you Lord to give me the strength to overcome the enemy that is trying to harm her. In Jesus name I pray…Amen

Robin S. on 12/23/18

Father God, I pray for my only loving godly granddaughter at eight years old. You will protect and shield her. Keep her connected too You at all times. Remove all substance abuse and alcohol substances completely out of her life. Put in its place the fruit of the Holy Spirit. I pray that my son would surrender too Jesus and remove all stress, anxiety, and worrying out of his life. I pray that he will learn all he needs is God. With You he will never lack or fail in life. Complete him Father. Let him seek Your face now. I’m thanking you in advance for all of them becoming a godly family, right now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen. It is well.

Arlene on 12/29/18

Dear Lord, I pray to you to protect my granddaughter from the aggressive dog in her home. I am afraid for her. She is five. Lord, I pray to you to show my daughter that the dog should be removed from their home. I need your help.

Annetta on 02/28/19

Dear Lord, I pray for all my grandchildren for protection as they go their way each day. Also I pray for my oldest granddaughter for her happiness, that you will bless her with the right man in her life-Christian man. I pray that she pass all her exams. It’s hard for her with trying to not be discouraged. I told her with all things are possible through Christ Jesus.

Esmeralda on 03/04/19

Lord, I ask you hear my prayer for my one-year-old granddaughter to keep her safe and away from anyone trying to harm her. I ask you, Lord, to send your angels to surround her with safety. In the name of the Father, Amen.

A concerned Grandma on 03/06/19

I pray that my grandchild, who I’m in care of, does not have any harm or danger. He has been threatened. I pray for angels to watch over him and keep him safe. It’s in Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Debra on 03/14/19

Thank you for this prayer of protection for my granddaughter. It has really blessed me, and given me comfort that you Lord are there; where she is and around. I pray this prayer in Jesus Christ Most Holy Name, believing I receive NOW & Forever More. Amen

Deborah on 03/29/19

Thank you for this prayer for my grandkids. Four years ago one of my grandkids, at the age of 3, was killed by a babysitter and her friend while drunk driving. They were in a wreck and did not have him in a carseat. The impact was on the door where he was sitting. His skull was cracked from ear to ear and they did not seek medical attention for him. They brought him back to the house and he went without oxygen to his brain for 4 hours until my daughter came home and found him laying on the sofa having a seizure. Those girls have yet to be charged for this crime and I do believe that justice will be served in God timing if it is his will. I could not help my grandson then, but I know that God is still in control. I have nine other grandkids and I will pray for their protection via His guidance. Thank you again.

Catherine E. on 03/29/19

I pray and ask for prayer for my three grandchildren in foster care. They are being abused and I need prayers to help bring them back home soon and keep them protected. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen and Amen

Ds on 04/14/19

Please God, protect, nurture, and keep safe my five grandchildren. Their parents need to have spiritual wisdom to protect, guide, keep them safe from all harms. Their parents need help, and I pray they can be tremendously blessed. I’m afraid for them right now. Take away my fear and worry. I trust you God that you will make a way where there is no way. Thank you. Amen… I love them.

KR on 04/26/19

Dear Lord, I come before thee praying to you for guidance and protection for my children. I pray that you will cover them under your blood, in Jesus name. I plead the blood of Jesus on them. Oh Lord, protect them from evil doers. Lord protect them bullies at home, school, and play. Protect them from my neighbors and their children’s plots. Protect them from the pestilence that rises up against them. Lord, teach them to honour your name and trust your words and call up on you in times of trouble. I pray that they will be obedient, honest, loving, and kind with each other. Please hear my prayers, oh Lord. In your mighty name I pray…amen

Jania on 04/27/19

Please protect my grandkids, that no harm be done to them today or tonight. Praying that my grandkids have a safe trip. Protect them, oh Lord. Praying that they are safe and nothing will happen to them. Thank you. Amen.

Maria Nive on 08/7/19 on 07/07/19

Please pray for my granddaughter
Maria please God protect her from the danger where ever she go,also all my 9 grandchildren
Protect them and all the children in world.

Christine on 07/18/19

Lord, please protect my son from evilness that has occured. Nothing touched him.  My Lord protect my son Kenneth from evilness. Bless him good health, intelligence, humble and sweetness. Protect him everyday God!

Nana Mendoza on 07/31/19

Heavenly Father through your son Jesus Christ I pray for all 9 of my grandchildren ,Andrina, Isaiah, Nathanel, Lil Mando, Christopher, Ariel, Angel,Rafael, and Maximo, for a hedge of protection around them wherever they go and from all evil doers and bullies GOD I trust you with all my heart that you will watch over them. I pray they will have a Blessed year of school full of knowledge and wisdom and your everyday protection. AMEN

Nana Mendoza on 07/31/19

Lord I pray for my grandchildren,Andrina,isaiah,Nathanael,Lil Mando, Christopher, Ariel,Angel, Rafael, and Maximo, for a hedge of protection around them wherever they go and from all evil doers and bullies ,God I trust you with all my heart that you will watch over them.I pray they will have a Blessed year of school full of knowledge and wisdom and your everyday protection. AMEN

Char on 08/29/19

Please Dear Lord. Please let my grandchildren stay with their mother. Please don’t let them be taken away. Protect them always. Let the judge and lawyers see they need to be with their mother. Please dear God I know in my heart you will see these children will be safe with their mom. Do not let the courts give them to their father. He will take them out of the country we will never se them again. Please hear my prayets. Amen

Barbara on 08/31/19

In Jesus’ Name, keep my family and me well and safe and saved.  Amen

barbara on 9/30/19 on 09/30/19

Father God in the name of jesus,i am a concern grandmom my heart is heavey,i know i can’t go where they are or the place,but you can Father your eyes are in every place beholding the good and the evil,father i ask for protection for all 5 of my grandchildren,Father i ask you to lead and guide them Father,and through all of this keep your loving arms around them in Jesus name Amen.

Minnie Holley 'Cox on 09/30/19

Please pray with me regarding my grandon (Emnuel) granddaughter (Raven) greatgrandaughter (swayze) thanks

Grandma Liz on 10/19/19

Lord please protect my grandson Elijah whose 7 years old.He really feels depressed when he’s with his dad and mom he rather live with me.He needs to be loved , hug and show him that he has someone to talk to when needed.His parents don’t give him attention.please Lord help my daughter understand that her son needs her more than ever.Thank you Lord.

Laura Williams on 02/24/20

Pray for .my granddaughter Christina she be graduate in may pray Jesus will anoint her and keep her safe amen

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