


Appreciate Serving the Right Way

Posted on Feb 22, 2016   Topic : Weekly Devotionals

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be first if you understand where first place is. Jesus explains to his friends, “If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all” (Mark 9:35).

You want to be number one? Then here is the secret: look for every opportunity you can to be number two. You want to be considered as one of the greatest of all time? Then learn this lesson: greatness starts at the bottom. You want to be like Jesus Christ? Find the least desired position. Find a job nobody else wants to do. Find the worst seat in the house.

I recently came across a nugget of wisdom, and though I have no idea who made it, I’d shake their hand and thank them if I did: “The basic trouble in the human situation is that people wish to do as little as possible and to get as much as possible. It is only when they are filled with the desire to put into life more than they take out that life for themselves and for others will be happy and prosperous.”

To Jesus, greatness doesn’t come from what you accumulate or accomplish. It comes from how much and how many you serve. The moment you choose to have a servant spirit, a servant heart, and a servant attitude, then our Creator says, “You are great.”

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