


His Devotion to You

Posted on Jun 19, 2017   Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. James 4:8

How easily we are distracted from God! When we pray, our minds wander far from spiritual matters. When we attempt to read His Word regularly, we allow ourselves to be pulled away by “urgent” tasks that “must” get done. Though we know our true treasures are in heaven, we often times become more preoccupied with the riches of earth. And when temptation beckons us, instead of fleeing toward God, we linger, not really wanting to say no to the bait dangling before us.

The verses preceding James 4:8 mention those who seek friendship with the world and the fulfillment of their own pleasures. But God jealously yearns for the devotion of those who are His own...and James 4:8 stands as a promise that when we come back to Him with a genuine desire to seek and submit to Him alone, He will welcome us with open arms.

Have you been a wandering sheep lately? Do you need to come back to a closer walk with the Good Shepherd? Draw near to Him, and He will draw near to you.

1 Comments   Leave a Comment »

Ricky L. on 06/21/18

I like these devotions.

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