


Pop Quiz

Posted on Apr 04, 2016   Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Be ready in season and out of season.  2 Timothy 4:2

Did your teachers ever hand out pop quizzes? You’d arrive at school expecting a normal day with little or no stress, and out of nowhere a teacher would announce a pop quiz. You had to be caught up on your studies or you’d fail the quiz.

Sometimes if we’re not walking in faith toward God, an event will come up that will seem like a pop quiz. We need to make a decision—and it better be the right decision or we’ll suffer the consequences.

Any student can be prepared for an announced test. During finals week, you expect final exams, so you’re ready for them. But who can be ready for a pop quiz? Only those who have kept up with the assigned work and haven’t gone slack in their homework.

Likewise, we can pass any of life’s pop quizzes if we haven’t slacked off in our walk with God. We’re ready in season and out of season. During finals week and on pop quiz day.

On this Day One, you may have a pop quiz. If so, don’t panic. Stay focused on what you know. Do the right thing and trust God, and you’ll pass with flying colors.

Read more in Today Is Day One by Matthew West

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