


When I Need Hope

Posted on Feb 16, 2015   Topic : Weekly Devotionals

This I recall to my mind, therefore I have hope. Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:21-23

Dear God, I need hope! I long for authentic hope that is more than shallow optimism, wishful thinking, or anxious yearning.

You are the God of hope. It is awesome to be reminded that You have been thinking about me. Even better, it is profoundly comforting to know what You think about me and my circumstances. You want me to experience peace today and bright hope for tomorrow. You stay my mind on You. Your compassion for me stirs me; Your faithfulness never fails; Your timely interventions remind me that You keep Your gracious promises.

The sure foundation of my hope is Christ’s resurrection from the dead, and the strength of my hope is in His presence and power. Today I intentionally commit all my concerns to You. This commitment is like a diminutive death to my tenacious tight grip of control. My sure hope now is for a resurrection to new life in my soul and miraculous resolution of those heart-aching worries. As You raised Jesus from the dead, You raise me out of the graves of discouragement. You fill me with a living hope that no trouble can destroy, no fear can disturb. I’m alive forever, and I’m going to live this day to the fullest.

Now focus my attention on people in my life who need hope. Make me a communicator of Your hope. Hope through me, God of hope!

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