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Angel of the Cove
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Release Date: August 2012
Print Length: 304
ISBN: 978-0-7369-4885-2
Series: 1

Angel of the Cove

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In the first book in the Smoky Mountain Dreams series, acclaimed author Sandra Robbins weaves a tale of love, loss, and God’s faithfulness in every circumstance.

Anna Prentiss has never wanted to be anything but a nurse. Before she can start school in New York, however, her brother sends her to Cades Cove, deep in the Smoky Mountains, to spend a summer apprenticing to the local midwife. Anna is determined to prove herself and then head to the big city.

But nothing could have prepared Anna for the beauty of the Cove, or the community and friendships she finds there. And she certainly wasn’t prepared for Simon Martin, the handsome young minister, or the feelings he arouses in her. Has God’s plan for Anna changed? Or is she just starting to hear Him clearly?

Meet the author

Sandra Robbins

Sandra Robbins

Sandra Robbins and her husband live in the small college town in Tennessee where she grew up. They count their four children and five grandchildren as the greatest blessings in their lives. Her published books include stories in historical romance and romantic suspense. When not writing or spending time with her family, Sandra enjoys reading,...

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Editorial Reviews

“This book is a must read! The cliff hangers and great storytelling make this book a quick page turner.”

Angel of the Cove is a great read about having dreams for your life and giving those dreams to God, so He can give you back more than you ever dreamed of.”

“I enjoyed how the storyline took right off from the beginning.”

“A perfect blend of drama, humor, romance, and information held my interest until the end.”

“Besides being a fantastic book [and] well-written with wonderful characters that you'll love from almost the first second you read about them, Angel of the Cove challenges you to look at your life, to look at God and test your thinking.”

“Sandra Robbins did a good job telling us about the people of the Cove…The description of the Great Smoky Mountains was beautiful, the haze that hangs on it and the colors of the trees and bushes.”

“The characters are well-developed and the story is well-written. Sandra Robbins brings these families to life through descriptive words and pages full of feeling, excitement, tragedy and faith.”

“Sandra Robbins writes with authority about the time period, Cades Cove, and life in the mountains. I truly enjoyed this book. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys Christian Historical Fiction.”

“…the tidbits of wisdom from the kind and generous Granny, as well as the lessons on friendship and understanding, round out the story in a meaningful way.”

“The spirituality of the book was so refreshing.”

“You will wonder to the end how things are going to turn out…and I mean to the very last pages of this great book.”

“The setting was the main thing that attracted me to this story and it was every bit as lovely as I thought it would be.”

“What a way to be introduced to an author! Although Sandra Robbins has been writing for a while I’ve never had the privilege of reading her work up until now. …I enjoyed the book and hope that book two, Mountain Homecoming, is as good!”

“…a refreshing story.”

“[Sandra’s] descriptions of Cades Cove captivated me and I felt myself going back in time.”

“I enjoyed the author’s gentle style of writing, which was perfect for such a sweet tale.”

“This charming novel of discovering God’s will for your life is a joy to read from the first few pages.”


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“When I picked up Angel of the Cove, I meant to read only the first chapter, and return to it when I had more time. That didn’t happen. The characters drew me in and wouldn’t let me go. Sandra Robbins has done a marvelous job of depicting life and the beauty of the Appalachian Mountains of East Tennessee in the late 1800s. With themes of love, redemption, and seeking God’s will wound through out, Angel of the Cove is almost impossible to put down.”
Pat Trainum, ptbradley.com

“Anna’s struggles to both learn the role of the midwife from Granny and keep her eyes on her self-proclaimed path makes for a compelling read. A quickly moving plot and interesting characters worked together to make Angel of the Cove a book to remember.”
Dana Mentink, award winning Christian Fiction author

“Robbins is one of my favorite storytellers and did a great job dropping tidbits of info about the various herbs and plants and their medicinal purposes. There are many life lessons peppered through this tale of love, loss and God’s faithfulness—life lessons that will bless the reader. Angel of the Cove is a winner.”
—Jessica Roach Ferguson, jessyferguson.blogspot.com

“The historical detail and the medical research in this story was impressive and I felt as if I was learning right along with Anna. I was particularly touched by the spiritual message in the book—it was apparent throughout the entire book with a strong lesson at the end. This was a trip to the mountains with all the sights, sounds, smells and emotion. Best of all, the book did a splendid job of illustrating God’s loving hand in our lives.”
Lorraine Beatty, lorrainebeatty.blogspot.com

“With my busy schedule, I often find it difficult to finish a book in a reasonable amount of time, but I found it even more difficult to put down Angel of the Cove once I began reading it. From the beginning, I was caught up in the lives of the people inhabiting Cades Cove, especially Anna’s and Simon’s, and it wasn’t long until the characters seemed real instead of fictitious to me. I enjoyed this book from beginning to end and would recommend it for anyone who loves historical fiction about pioneer living.”
Pam Harris, middle school principal

“I found the descriptions of the herbal remedies and Anna's midwifery work very intriguing. Robbins doesn't shy away from showing the hardships these people faced. I must add that I also loved how Robbins depicted and used a secondary ‘love’ story within the book to reveal the depths of abiding love to the heroine.
Sandra van den Bogerd

“This book is a good read with many carefully-researched historical details that add much to the story.”
—Terri Jenkins-Brady

"Angel of the Cove did not disappoint me! Sandra does a wonderful job of blending Anna’s story with the history and the beauty of Cades Cove. I highly recommend this book.”
—Sylvia A. Nash, author

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