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Breaking Through Depression
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Release Date: August 2009
Page Count: 272
Size: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-0-7369-2553-2
Case Lot Quantity: 44

Breaking Through Depression

A Biblical and Medical Approach to Emotional Wholeness

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Depression affects a person mentally, spiritually, and physically, greatly impacting their lives and the people they love. With empathy and clear language, psychiatrist Donald Hall explains recent scientific discoveries about the role of chemicals in the brain, and how depression, like other illnesses, has symptoms and cures.

Hall integrates spiritual, medical, and psychological principles in his SMART model that leads those suffering from depression to the hope of recovery and healing.

  • Stop Addiction: Don’t make depression worse by substance abuse
  • Medicate Chemical Imbalances: Have wise counsel for antidepressant management
  • Adjust Expectations of Yourself: Release burdens and evaluate self–image distortions
  • Revise Your Relationships with Others: Set boundaries, talk, practice forgiveness
  • Track with the Holy Spirit: See your brokenness and lean on prayer and fellowship

For readers who are suffering from or living with someone dealing with depression, Hall shares fresh scientific discoveries while standing firmly on the good news of God’s hope.

Meet the author

Donald P. Hall

Donald P. Hall

Donald Hall has more than 15 years of experience in the field of psychiatry and a passion to share his faith. He is the owner of the Riverside Counseling Center and is the author of two psychiatry handbooks and numerous medical journal articles.

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A Word from the Author

“I wrote Breaking Through Depression so Christians can understand what depression really is—a brain problem triggered by emotional and spiritual stress. I have developed a holistic approach to body, mind and spirit that I call SMART renewal—to help people break through depression and be everything God wants them to be.”
Donald P. Hall, author of Breaking Through Depression


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"Half of all the humans on this planet will suffer some degree of depression some time during their lives. And for many, it becomes debilitating...or even leads to death by suicide or because of decreased immunity to disease.

"Unfortunately, it seems that most humans think that joy in life is like a light switch they should be able to turn on or off. But happiness in life is much more complex than that. That is why I am so thrilled that Don Hall has written Breaking Through Depression.

"Dr. Hall has brilliantly and compassionately combined his vast knowledge about depression from his research with his personal experience helping people recover. He not only explains the many factors that can rob us of our joy in life, including stressors, genetic factors, and even faulty religious concepts, but goes on to share with us a series of positive steps we can use to walk out of the darkness of depression to the light of joy, grace, and love. I highly recommend this book."
Paul Meier, MD, author of over 80 books and founder of the national chain of nonprofit Meier Clinics

“Using cutting-edge medical and psychological science, Dr. Hall provides a tremendous practical guide for anyone wanting to break out of depression. His ‘chemical cascade’ metaphor enlightens the reader to a medical viewpoint of depression. His SMART model for recovery communicates an easily understandable pathway to healing. Most important of all, he provides biblical guidance for understanding what is commonly misperceived as a failure of faith…It is a book full of hope for anyone who suffers from depression!”
Archibald Hart, PhD, author of Stressed or Depressed?, board of directors, American Association of Christian Counselors, professor emeritus, Fuller Theological Seminary

“This resource will be a welcome relief for anyone experiencing depression. The author is knowledgeable, informative, and practical, and he provides solutions and identifies causes that other books tend to neglect.”
—H. Norman Wright, Christian counselor and author of over 70 books

“Don Hall has written an important and unique book. He weaves lessons from psychiatry and spirituality into a rich texture of insights about the recognition and treatment of emotional suffering. His SMART steps formula is elegantly simple, providing mileposts along the path to recovery.”
Dan G. Blazer, MD, PhD, professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Medical Center; author of Freud vs. God and The Age of Melancholy: Major Depression and Its Social Origins

“A beautiful book—Dr. Hall has provided the general public with a basic yet profound discussion of the serious illness of depression. Written clearly and concisely, the book covers complex biochemical and genetic issues and provides the reader with an open, nonjudgmental approach to spiritual integration in understanding and dealing with this universal malady.”
David Allen, MD, MPH, author of Contemplation: Intimacy in a Distant World, distinguished fellow of the American Psychiatric Association

“By combining solid scientific evidence with his practitioner’s grasp of human nature, Dr. Hall has provided a clearly marked road map to improved mental health.”
Ray Linder, author of What Will I Do with My Money? and How Personality Affects Your Financial Behavior

“Dr. Don Hall hits the nail on the head when he describes depression as a ‘complicated problem that calls for a multistep solution.’ Don’s book Breaking Through Depression is a must-read for anyone who has ever experienced the debilitating effects of clinical depression—or who has felt helpless as they’ve watched a loved one struggle with the symptoms of depression. I thank the Lord that Don has brought his scientific knowledge, theological insight, and years of experience to bear in this important book!”
William J. Maier, PsyD, Psychologist in Residence, Focus on the Family

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