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Broken Bread
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Release Date: June 2020
Print Length: 240
ISBN: 978-0-7369-8014-2

Broken Bread

How to Stop Using Food and Fear to Fill Spiritual Hunger

eBook available at your favorite eRetailer.

God Cares More About How You Eat than What You Eat

Christians should have their heads on straight about food—but too often our eating is complicated by burdens and rules, by diets and dependencies. So how can we keep a spiritually healthy view of what we eat? Should Christians stop eating white sugar? Does the Bible ask us to go paleo?

Most questions about food aren’t really about nutrition but about how we understand God. In Broken Bread, Christian Book Award–winner Tilly Dillehay challenges us to abandon the concept of good and bad foods and instead offers a way to…

  • celebrate food without obsession
  • make healthy choices without bondage to rules
  • feed our families without feeling frazzled
  • find satisfaction without using food as an emotional crutch

This isn’t another diet book. You won’t find any system or plan for eating but rather a joyful call to develop a vision of Christ that informs the way you eat. Take delight in food again, and discover a feast for today that whispers of the eternal feast to come.

Meet the author

Tilly Dillehay

Tilly Dillehay

Tilly Dillehay holds a degree in journalism from Lipscomb University. In the past, she has been the editor of a weekly newspaper and of a lifestyle magazine, and now she serves as homemaker and mother to two little girls. She writes at www.justinandtilly.com and contributes occasionally to The Gospel Coalition. She...

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“It’s easy to spot our cultural obsession with food. We have TV shows featuring cooking competitions, documentaries explaining the hidden dangers in our food, and bookstores packed with every type of cookbook situated alongside the latest and greatest lifestyle diet books. In her new book, Broken Bread: How to Stop Using Food and Fear to Fill Spiritual Hunger, Tilly Dillehay considers how our various sin struggles with food—from gluttony to snobbery—can overflow in guilt, judgement, anxiety, or pride as we contemplate a simple question: What’s for dinner? She writes with conviction and compassion as she directs our eyes to a better and more-needed spiritual feast—one truly able to satisfy and sustain our daily lives.”
Melissa Kruger, TGC Director of Women’s Initiatives and author of Growing Together

“This is a book Christian women need––at least the ones who eat food. Tilly helps us see that food idolatry comes in more than one form. She carefully helps us diagnose our sin problem regarding food, and she then points us to food’s rightful place and purpose in our lives. Read this book if you want to have peace with God and peace with what you eat.”
Abigail Dodds, author of (A)Typical Woman and contributor at Desiring God

Broken Bread is an intelligent and biblical discussion of food issues. It’s a massive table covered with dishes of wisdom right out of the oven, which are enhanced with the brown gravy of good sense and set out before an emaciated people who have been suffering through a famine.”
Douglas Wilson, pastor of Christ Church, Moscow, Idaho

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