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A Marriage for Meghan
A Marriage for Meghan

Mary Ellis

In Book 2 of the Wayne County series from bestselling author Mary Ellis, Meghan Yost is eager to prove herself as a teacher. But when handsome FBI agent Thomas Mast investigates recent crimes against their Amish community, Meghan questions everything about love, faith, and the true cause of the disruptions.


Ella Finds Love Again
Ella Finds Love Again

Jerry S. Eicher

Although Ella Yoder loves the widower Ivan Stutzman’s children and is genuinely devoted to him, her feelings for him stop short of romantic love. Yet Ella yearns for marriage and wonders if what she and Ivan have is enough.

A Baby for Hannah
A Baby for Hannah

Jerry S. Eicher

Bestselling author Jerry Eicher concludes this series with a rich story of colliding cultures. Jake Byler, the new Amish minister, and his wife, Hannah, live in a small rural community in Montana and anticipate their baby’s birth with joy. Anxiety grows when the Mennonite tent revival comes to town.

The Amish Nanny
The Amish Nanny

Leslie Gould

Amish-raised Ada Rupp is at a crossroads. It’s time to make a commitment to the faith and join the church, especially if she wants a future with the handsome Amish widower Will Gundy, but a young Mennonite scholar named Daniel also tugs at her heart. Which path will she choose?


Ella’s Wish
Ella’s Wish

Jerry S. Eicher

As Ella Yoder moves into her dream house she ponders her options. How is she to survive on her own? How will she ever forget Aden?

Readers of Amish fiction will fall in love themselves with Ella Yoder and hope with her that she finds the love she seeks.

Abigail’s New Hope
Abigail’s New Hope

Mary Ellis

Amish midwife Abigail Graber loves bringing babies into the world. But after a difficult birth has a devastating end, she is confined to the county jail pending an investigation. Her younger sister Catherine arrives to help keep the household running, and she discovers an unlooked for opportunity for love.


A Wedding Quilt for Ella
A Wedding Quilt for Ella

Jerry S. Eicher

Ella Yoder’s wedding with Aden Wengerd and the building of their dream house is set for June.  But when Aden is suddenly taken from her, Ella begins to doubt God’s love.

Can healing come through a house…a quilt….a community?

The Amish Midwife
The Amish Midwife

Leslie Gould

Adopted as a child, nurse midwife Lexie Jaeger learns the true meaning of the Pennsylvania Dutch word demut, which means “to let be” as she reaches out to her birth family and changes from a woman who wants to control everything to a woman who depends on God.

Sarah’s Christmas Miracle
Sarah’s Christmas Miracle

Mary Ellis

As Christmas approaches, Sarah Beachy goes to Cleveland to search for her brother, who left the Order years ago. Sarah’s mother has been missing her son for such a long time…will she lose her daughter to the English world as well? Or will the Beachy family receive an unexpected miracle?

The Way to a Man’s Heart
The Way to a Man’s Heart

Mary Ellis

Leah Miller is living her dream come true as she invests in a newly restored diner that caters to locals rather than tourists. Can Jonah Byler convince this shy, quiet young woman that she should leave her adoring fans and cook only for him?

A Dream for Hannah
A Dream for Hannah

Jerry S. Eicher

Hannah Miller’s Amish faith and devotion to her family are unquestionable. Yet her young spirit longs for adventure and romance. When troubling circumstances lead her to her aunt’s Montana horse ranch, Hannah must decide how to fulfill her heart’s desire for love while staying true to her faith.

A Hope for Hannah
A Hope for Hannah

Jerry S. Eicher

Hannah and Jake Byler are married and living in a small Amish community in Montana. When Jake loses his timber job, he becomes a minister. With winter pressing in and money scarce, Jake and Hannah learn to find hope despite fearful conditions and bear their responsibilities with grace.

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