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Atheism on Trial
Atheism on Trial

Louis Markos

Atheists are launching a new wave of attacks against Christianity and belief in God. Atheism on Trial will equip you to respond to their claims with the universal truth that has powerfully disproven atheism for over 2500 years—and still stands true today.

Searching for Noah’s Ark
Searching for Noah’s Ark

Institute for Creation Research

Dr. John Morris offers personal accounts and geological, historical, and biblical evidence in his decades-long search for Noah’s Ark. Each exhilarating story will inspire you with confidence in the historical accuracy and trustworthiness of the Bible.

Why Does God Allow Evil?
Why Does God Allow Evil?

Clay Jones

If God is good, why is there so much evil in the world? The answer might surprise you. As you take a look at the Bible’s response, you’ll discover afresh the contrasting abundance of God’s grace and the extraordinary destiny of believers.

31 Surprising Reasons to Believe in God
31 Surprising Reasons to Believe in God

Rick Stedman

This 31-day intellectual journey reveals hints of the divine all around us—in what we believe, what we love, what we have, and what we know. Discover how sports, superheroes, science, and other topics point to unexpected clues of God’s existence.

Who Will Face the Tribulation?
Who Will Face the Tribulation?

Tim LaHaye

What the Bible says about the future doesn’t need to be confusing. By not truly understanding the message of Scripture, people have been baffled for years about the pre-, mid-, and post-Tribulation views. Bestselling author Tim LaHaye carefully unravels the confusion and sets forth keys to understanding the prophecy supporting a pre-Tribulation Rapture.

Does God Exist?
Does God Exist?

Bobby Conway

If questions about God and the Bible have ever piqued your curiosity, leading apologist Bobby Conway will help you discover answers that are life-changing. Never has the culture and the church been in greater need of understanding who God is and what the Bible has to say to every one of us.

A New Kind of Apologist
A New Kind of Apologist

Sean McDowell

A New Kind of Apologist, edited by Sean McDowell, discusses important topics often ignored by apologists, emphasizes a new kind of apologetics that is relational, gracious, and holistic. It includes interviews with seasoned apologists as well as with skeptics, providing insights into how to do apologetics effectively in today’s culture.

Thank God for Atheists
Thank God for Atheists

Timothy Morgan

Tim Morgan candidly shares about a journey in which he rejected God and pursued atheism. Yet as he delved into the writings of atheists, he found their reasons for rejecting God to be intellectually unfulfilling. A well-researched and thought-provoking book on why the evidence for God is much more compelling than the evidence against Him.

Dinosaurs and the Bible
Dinosaurs and the Bible

Brian Thomas

People of all ages are fascinated by dinosaurs. When and where did they live? Are they mentioned in the Bible? What do their fossils tell us? Dinosaurs and the Bible explores the historical, scriptural, and fossil evidence about dinosaurs, and shares what we can know after many years of thoughtful, careful research.


The Shepherd as Preacher
The Shepherd as Preacher

John MacArthur

With John MacArthur and other outstanding Bible teachers, you’ll survey the essentials every minister needs to know about preaching God’s Word God’s way—the keys to effective preaching, the character of a faithful preacher, and more.

Conversational Evangelism
Conversational Evangelism

David Geisler

This refreshing resource explores how witnessing today involves pre–evangelism through conversation and relationship. Individuals and churches will discover ways to identify the barriers to belief in order to build a bridge to truth, keep dialogue going with different personality types, and effectively share Christ through open communication and compassion.

What Happens After Life?
What Happens After Life?

Ron Rhodes

Do you wonder what happens when you die? If so, you’ll love these short, inspirational explanations of the Bible’s encouraging teachings about heaven. Bypassing philosophical arguments and contentious debates, this reassuring look at the clear teaching of the Bible will empower you to embrace the future with hope and joy.


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