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101 Answers to Questions About Satan, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare
101 Answers to Questions About Satan, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare

Mark Hitchcock

What is spiritual warfare? Who is Satan? This book takes you to the ultimate resource for guidance—God’s Word, which provides you with all you need to know to experience victory in spiritual warfare.


Conversations with Jehovah’s Witnesses
Conversations with Jehovah’s Witnesses

Ron Rhodes

Ron Rhodes guides you through several realistic dialogues with Jehovah’s Witnesses, demonstrating helpful techniques for listening, asking questions, avoiding offense, and more. He includes the information you need to address the big issues, including the New World Translation of the Bible, the divine name, the Trinity, salvation, and the afterlife.

Understanding Islam and Christianity
Understanding Islam and Christianity

Josh McDowell

Islam’s objections to Christianity can raise doubts among believers. This practical resource centers on Jesus and the gospel, hitting crucial issues like Jesus’ role as prophet/Messiah; his equality with God; his dishonorable death; and the trustworthiness of the Bible’s accounts. Here’s authoritative evidence to help Christians with Muslims’ questions and challenges.

The Popular Encyclopedia of Church History
The Popular Encyclopedia of Church History

Ed Hindson

An ideal resource for anyone who want a clear, user-friendly guide to understanding the key people, places, and events that shaped Christianity. Includes more than 400 pages on the wonderful heritage of the Christian faith.

The Popular Handbook of Archaeology and the Bible
The Popular Handbook of Archaeology and the Bible

Joseph M. Holden

From two leading Christian apologists, here is a fascinating survey of the most important Old and New Testament archaeological discoveries through the ages. This book is both concise and comprehensive, and includes photos and instructive charts.

The Bible Handbook of Difficult Verses
The Bible Handbook of Difficult Verses

Sean McDowell

The authors help readers understand and gain assurance about difficult Bible verses and passages, offering an easy-to-access format, straightforward explanations in nontheological language, and a summary of key principles of interpretation. A resource readers will turn to for help in everyday life—one that fosters confidence in all of Scripture.

The Big Book of Bible Answers
The Big Book of Bible Answers

Ron Rhodes

Ron Rhodes, bestselling author and respected Bible scholar, provides clear and helpful answers to the most frequently asked questions and those questions people are too intimidated to ask about God and the Bible. This resource offers readers wisdom, confidence in God’s truths, and assurances for their faith and hope.

The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent
The Cross in the Shadow of the Crescent

Erwin W. Lutzer

Islam is on the rise all over the West, including America. This book urges Christians to see this as both as a reason for concern and an opportunity to share the gospel. A sensitive and highly informative must-read!

Community—Experience Jesus Alive in His People
Community—Experience Jesus Alive in His People

Josh McDowell

Community—Experience Jesus Alive in His People explores the truth about Christ’s body—the church—and Christians’ mission in life. It lays the foundation for how to experience true community.

Empowered—Experience Living in the Power of the Spirit
Empowered—Experience Living in the Power of the Spirit

Josh McDowell

Empowered—Experience Living in the Power of the Spirit opens up the truth of God’s being three in one. Because his nature is relational, he defines the essence of how any relationship works. Through the Holy Spirit, we can experience the truth of relationships in the way God defines them.

Exploring the Evidence for Creation
Exploring the Evidence for Creation

Henry M. Morris

In Exploring the Evidence for Creation, Henry Morris III ably demonstrates it’s not possible to wed evolutionary theories with the biblical account of creation. Morris lays out an impressive array of evidence that is rational, scientific, and biblical.

Perspective—Experience the World Through God’s Eyes
Perspective—Experience the World Through God’s Eyes

Josh McDowell

Perspective—Experience the World Through God’s Eyes focuses on the truth about God’s kingdom and how it gives us a new perspective—a biblical worldview. We can experience the kingdom here and now as we grasp how it affects our view of our world.

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