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The Shepherd as Theologian
The Shepherd as Theologian

John MacArthur

The Shepherd as Theologian presents a collection of invaluable messages from the internationally recognized Shepherds’ Conference held at Grace Community Church. Explore central doctrines of Christianity with John MacArthur and other respected teachers.

9 Keys to Successful Leadership
9 Keys to Successful Leadership

James Merritt

Your character determines the leadership influence you have with others. In 9 Keys to Successful Leadership, James Merritt, a respected voice on leadership, identifies nine essential traits that make leaders less stressed, easier to follow, and more influential. You can make a life-changing difference for others, perhaps even an eternal difference.

Outstanding Leadership
Outstanding Leadership

Stan Toler

With more than 40 years of leadership experience, Stan Toler knows what it takes to empower people to reach organizational and personal goals. He cuts through the mystery and confusion and provides clear guidelines to help you lead individuals and groups to their highest potential and God-given purpose.

The Shepherd as Leader
The Shepherd as Leader

John MacArthur

The Shepherd as Leader is a collection of powerful messages on spiritual leadership from proven leaders like John MacArthur, John Piper, Steven Lawson, and RC Sproul, and includes an abundance of guidance on the key essentials of effective ministry.

Minute Motivators for Leaders
Minute Motivators for Leaders

Stan Toler

Bestselling author Stan Toler provides inspirational quotes, one-page gems of wisdom, and memorable taglines to fuel your passion and clarify your vision. This treasure of tried-and-true principles will be your on-the-go source for the motivation and encouragement you need be the effective leader you were created to be.

The Shepherd as Preacher
The Shepherd as Preacher

John MacArthur

With John MacArthur and other outstanding Bible teachers, you’ll survey the essentials every minister needs to know about preaching God’s Word God’s way—the keys to effective preaching, the character of a faithful preacher, and more.

What Makes a Leader Great
What Makes a Leader Great

Russ Crosson

What makes a good leader? Author and CEO of Ron Blue & Co, Russ Crosson knows—and he learned the hard way. From his experience Russ offers not another “how-to” book on leadership, but a why-to book that will help you succeed in more important ways than you ever imagined.

The Leadership Style of Jesus
The Leadership Style of Jesus

Michael Youssef

Leadership is influence, and no leader has had greater influence than Jesus Christ. The lessons of His leadership style are practical, learnable skills that anyone can apply today. Men and women in search of excellence in developing their leadership abilities will find much to aid their quest in this close-up look at Jesus—the greatest leader who ever lived.


The 10 Best Decisions a Leader Can Make
The 10 Best Decisions a Leader Can Make

Bill Farrel

Bill Farrel reveals ten time-tested truths about what every leader must know, the questions they must be prepared to answer, and the strategic decisions they must make to enable others to succeed. While other books focus on leadership methods, this book focuses on characteristics that are at the core of successful leaders.

A Leader After God’s Own Heart
A Leader After God’s Own Heart

Jim George

A survey of God’s priorities for leaders as exhibited in the life of Nehemiah. What made him so effective, so influential? From Nehemiah’s example, readers will learn 15 ways to lead with purpose.

The Man Who Makes A Difference
The Man Who Makes A Difference

Jim George

What made the apostle Paul so effective, so influential? Readers will experience true fulfillment as they learn how they can make a real and lasting difference in the workplace, at home, at church, and in their community.

365 Things Every Successful Leader Should Know
365 Things Every Successful Leader Should Know

John Edmund Haggai

Renowned leader John Haggai has instructed many on the enduring characteristics and principles at the core of successful leadership. Now his leadership wisdom has been distilled in this collection of 365 pithy sayings sure to inspire and motivate leaders and aspiring leaders in any vocation.

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