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Sold Out for God
Sold Out for God

Neil T. Anderson

Is a holy life boring? No! Authors of the popular devotional Higher Ground show teens the adventurous path of becoming more like Jesus. Readers discover how to take on challenges and make decisions God’s way.

Purity Under Pressure

Neil T. Anderson

Few things cause as much confusion and conflict for youth as the issue of sexual purity. In a reassuring style, spiritual truths behind sexual temptations are presented, and simple ways to develop godly relationships are provided.

Awesome Good Clean Jokes for Kids
Awesome Good Clean Jokes for Kids

Bob Phillips

Riddles, puns, knock-knocks, wisecracks, and tongue twisters, plus jokes, and more jokes–that’s what kids want, and Bob Phillips doesn’t disappoint them. Totally awesome fun! For kids of all ages.

Man in Demand (student)
Man in Demand (student)

This personal program shows that true manliness requires development of moral and spiritual as well as physical and social strengths. Illustrated with cartoons, quizzes, charts, self-inventories, diagrams, and spiritual challenges.

Man in Demand (teacher)
Man in Demand (teacher)

Gives word–for–word class instruction, together with directions for special demonstrations, activities, object lessons, and skits.

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