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Covered Glory
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Release Date: August 2019
Print Length: 224
ISBN: 978-0-7369-7549-0

Covered Glory

The Face of Honor and Shame in the Muslim World

eBook available at your favorite eRetailer.

Hiding behind the Muslim woman’s veil is a heart longing for honor but often covered in shame. Meeting her will transform us all.
Muslim women are coming out of hiding and telling their stories. With courageous voices, they disclose tales of shame and a fierce desire to be valued. We hold our breath as they whisper accounts of Jesus dressed in light, coming to them in dreams, offering honor in the place of shame, freedom instead of oppression.
Their tales narrate a secret reality for all of us. We all long to be known, to be valued, to be rescued. We all are in desperate need of a Savior.
In Covered Glory, you will meet Muslim women living in a culture with an honor-shame worldview that perpetuates their shame. As you discover how these women find freedom when they uncover their true identity, you will find that shame affects each one of us. Learn that while… 

  • shame tells us we are unworthy, truth tells us we were made to be loved
  • shame tells us we are nobody, Jesus tells us, “You are somebody to me”
  • shame tells us we are broken, God’s Word tells us healing comes from him

It is only when we begin to understand the honor-shame gospel that we are set free. And so is our Muslim neighbor when we learn to tell her of the love of Jesus in a language she understands: the language of honor and shame.

Meet the author

Audrey  Frank

Audrey Frank

Audrey Frank is an author, speaker, and true-story teller. She and her family have spent over 20 years serving Muslims overseas and the in the US. Audrey is a popular international speaker on the honor-shame worldview and its impact on the Muslim woman’s journey to Christ. She trains women and men in the global...

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