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Final Signs
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Release Date: February 1996
Page Count: 224
Size: 5 1/4 x 8
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-1-56507-378-4

Final Signs

Much is being said about the end times today. Some is fact. Some is speculation. How can you tell the difference?

Why is there so much uncertainly and disagreement over what will happen in the last days?

When the facts of Bible prophecy are used to speculate about what might happen in the end times, it’s easy to come up with opinions and guesses that aren’t correct. In Final Signs, prophecy expert Ed Hindson introduces us to a set of guidelines that we can use to determine where fact ends and speculation begins. Using these guidelines, we can better understand what the bible says about…

  • the coming world government
  • the rise of Antichrist and the False Prophet
  • modern-day wars and Armageddon
  • the signs of Christ’s return
  • disasters and judgment during the tribulation

Final Signs is the perfect answer for anyone who wants a clear preview of what God has promised He will do in the last days.

Meet the author

Ed Hindson

Ed Hindson

Ed Hindson, Dean of the School of Divinity and Distinguished Professor of Religion at Liberty University in Virginia, is the speaker on The King Is Coming telecast and the author and general editor of 40 books. He holds a DMin from Westminster Theological Seminary and PhD from University of South Africa.

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