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Release Date: January 2021
Print Length: 192
ISBN: 978-0-7369-7784-5

The Healing Power of God

A Biblical Embrace of the Supernatural…Today

eBook available at your favorite eRetailer.

Do you really believe in miracles?

You believe God is who he says he is, but it’s easy for that belief to be more theoretical than practical. You have faith he can heal, you know he has performed miracles, and you agree he does love you—yet if you’re honest, you don’t expect him to intervene supernaturally in your life.

The Healing Power of God is here to shatter those limited expectations of your Creator and let you realize his ability—and willingness—to do the impossible. Author Stan Jantz will inspire you to embrace God’s supernatural nature and increase your awareness of how God can work in your daily life. This book will help you understand…

  • what obstacles keep you from accepting and anticipating miracles
  • why recognizing God’s supernatural character is an integral part of your faith
  • how you can actively experience God’s restorative touch on earth
You don’t have to wait for heaven to witness God’s wondrous abilities in action. The Healing Power of God will enable you to live each day confident that your heavenly Father’s readiness to perform miracles is as real as it was in the times of the Bible.
Includes a 30-Day Devotional Journey to a Biblical Embrace of the Supernatural…Today

Meet the author

Stan Jantz

Stan Jantz

Stan Jantz is the president of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association and cofounder of ConversantLife.com. He is the coauthor of more than 50 books, including I’m Fine with God...It’s Christians I Can’t Stand and the Christianity 101® Bible Studies. He makes his home in Huntington Beach, California.

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