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Hip to Be Square
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Release Date: July 2005
Print Length: 300
ISBN: 978-0-7369-6043-4

Hip to Be Square

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On her twenty-ninth birthday, Mari Hamilton, a worn-out recreation director at Golden Horizons Retirement Home, is convinced that leaving social work will improve her social life. So she seeks and receives a stylish position at a new and fabulous luxury spa. In addition, after countless bad first dates at hip clubs, Mari meets the perfect guy at Golden Horizon’s anniversary party (of all places!). But a funny thing happens to her on the way to a life makeover—a forced stopover in her past where she admits to the unadmittable…

Through all her work and dating adventures and misadventures, Mari realizes that it was in her old life that God was doing a new and incredibly hip thing.

Meet the author

Hope Lyda

Hope Lyda

Hope Lyda has a heart for inviting people to experience the still and quiet voice of God in their lives. As an editor and writer, she has worked in publishing for more than 20 years. Her popular devotionals, novels, and prayer books include One-Minute Prayers® for Women and Life as a Prayer and have sold...

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A Word from the Author

"When I started writing Hip to Be Square, I had no idea how much it would reflect the themes of my own life—seeking dreams, missing the contentment of the moment, and realizing God is in control. What I love about Mari, the main character, is that she knows she needs to have faith in order to have happiness, love, and fulfillment. And it takes her well-meaning, but sometimes off-the-mark, friends to convince her to shake up her life. Mari learns what a lot of us learn—it isn't our circumstances, but our awareness and attitude that need the makeover."
Hope Lyda, author of Hip to Be Square

Editorial Reviews

"This is Christian 'chick lit' for a younger, more alternative audience. Although the Christian content is minimal and the story-line borders on bizarre at times, the writing is solid. Character development is especially strong, as the story is told through Mari's eyes and reflects her dry humor and independent personality."
Aspiring Retail

"Mari Hamilton's story of her life in Hip to Be Square had me in stitches! This is a fun story of a girl who discovers that God was doing a new and very hip thing with her old life. So, careful what you wish for, because things are never as they seem."
Five Star Book Reviews

"The book offers a fun, authentic picture of what it means to be Christian and single in today's culture. Lyda weaves a complicated tapestry of plots and subplots that wrap up nicely by the end. Even the issues in Chapter One, a scene from Mari's childhood, which at first seem out of place and disconnected are beautifully stitched into the larger story by the end. Throughout Hip to Be Square, I rooted for and laughed with Mari Hamilton. Hip to Be Square is a positive contribution to the growing genre of inspirational chick-lit."
The Road to Romance

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