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A Hunter’s Field Notes
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Release Date: April 2012
Print Length: 176
ISBN: 978-0-7369-4366-6

A Hunter’s Field Notes

Inspiring Stories of Meeting God in the Rugged Outdoors

eBook available at your favorite eRetailer.

Tapping into the market of more than 12 million hunters in the United States alone, avid sportsmen Jay Houston and Roger Medley team up to encourage men to open their hearts and share their values, beliefs, and wisdom with their families. Through stories of hunting and outdoor adventures, they reveal the significance of a man’s legacy and offer thought-provoking questions to help him start journaling:

  • How do the traits of bull elk relate to walking with Christ?
  • Hunting prayers center on goals, but is that the best approach?
  • How can hunting skills draw us closer to God?

Readers will also discover specifics for creating legacies:

  • using birthday cards to highlight qualities they admire
  • jotting down insights in the margins of hunting books to give as gifts
  • teaching hunting lore while enjoying a venison feast

Jay and Roger urge men to grow spiritually, make their faith known, and pass on their knowledge about life and hunting to the generations to come.

Meet the authors

Jay Houston

Jay Houston

Jay Houston is the bestselling author of five hunting books, including Elk Hunting 101. He founded Hunt Connections, an international big game hunt consulting company, and ElkCamp.com, a premier online elk-hunting resource. Jay shares his faith, tales of hunting, fighter jet experiences, and passion for leaving legacies at conferences, wild game banquets, and seminars. He...

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Roger Medley

Roger Medley

Roger Medley is a champion archer and avid hunter. The director of High Country Ministries, he reaches people for God through hunting and retreats. A popular speaker at seminars and wild game banquets, Roger uses his pastoral experience to help churches establish outdoor ministries. He’ s written articles for numerous publications, including Elk Hunting 201. Roger...

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A Word from the Author

“Imagine you are cleaning out some dusty boxes of dad’s in the attic and come across a weathered journal. Inside your dad has recorded years of his own life. Times perhaps spent high on a mountainside alone, just your dad and God talking. Times he may have shared with your mom as they worked together on how to best raise their young family. You are able to see into spaces of your dad’s heart that he never shared. You see the heart of the man longing to be more of a father, a better husband or a more loyal friend. You can almost hear him pouring himself out before God. Maybe you knew your dad to be a warm and caring person...but nothing like this! Before long you have a new vision of the man you called dad, his legacy to you. Today, so much of ‘who we are’ is lost forever when we pass from this life unto God’s ultimate home for us. While our future may be certain, those left behind are often left with only a fractional part of our life’s experience, knowledge and memories. A Hunter’s Field Notes is a must read for every man who desires to make a difference…to leave a legacy.”
Jay Houston, author of AHunter’s Field Notes

“Our need to leave a positive legacy has never been greater than now. Looking at the condition of our country, our churches and our families highlight the great need for men to step up— we are needed. As men we've sat back for far too long and it’s time for us to step back up to the plate and pass on the tough lessons we've learned on the mountain and in life. This book is one way to begin the process of building and sharing a Godly legacy.”
Roger Medley, author of A Hunter’s Field Notes

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“There is not a hunter out there regardless of our level of faith who has not been inspired in the outdoors, by the beauty of the outdoors, the activities of the animals and the solitary nature of spending time out in this wide open country…Jay and Roger remind us that this is a perfect time to enrich your relationship with God through their own testimony written in A Hunter's Field Notes.

“Seek this book out for yourselves and think about this as a gift for those in your lives who enjoy the outdoors. This is also an inspiring book for young adults who are just now beginning their journey into the outdoors and who are growing in their relationship with God. “
Kevin Paulson, HuntingLife.com

“I would like to say this is the best so far of Jay Houston’s reflections on the beauty of his passion of hunting, whilst being in the center of God’s perfect design – nature. I love the candid writing and vulnerability that Jay allowed us to see. I appreciate and transparency of divulging information about her personal journey and walk with God that is perfectly demonstrated in ‘story’ within the pages of A Hunter’s Field Notes.”
Mark Tedder, director and president, Worshiplanet, Inc.

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