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A Journey Through Cancer
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Release Date: July 2003
Print Length: 256
ISBN: 978-0-7369-6718-1

A Journey Through Cancer

My Story of Hope, Healing, and God’s Amazing Faithfulness

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Bestselling author Emilie Barnes shares about her life-changing encounter with illness and healing in A Journey Through Cancer. She reveals the lessons gathered along this journey and provides comforting, encouraging words to those who are going through difficulties—be it illness, bereavement, job loss, or relationship problems. Emilie offers assurance and deep empathy in her exploration of what to do when the foundation beneath you shakes, how to rediscover God’s plan for your life, and ways to embrace the reality of God’s provision.

Emilie’s personal testimony of God’s faithfulness and hope provides great testimony to the divine gifts extended to believers in the midst of their pain.

A new title and format for A Different Kind of Strength.

Meet the authors

Emilie Barnes

Emilie Barnes

Emilie Barnes (1938 – 2016 ) was the bestselling author of more than 80 books, including 101 Ways to Clean Out the Clutter, Five Minutes in the Bible for Women, and 15 Minutes Alone with God. Sales of her books have surpassed 6 million copies worldwide. She and her husband, Bob (1933 – 2022), founded the More Hours in My Day time-management seminars. Emilie...

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