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Middle East Meltdown
Middle East Meltdown

The news headlines from the war-torn Middle East are constantly changing, and the complexity of all that’s happening makes it difficult to understand what it means and how it affects us. Authors John Ankerberg and Dillon Burroughs help bring clarity to the chaos by examining today’s events in the light of biblical truth.

Can We Still Believe in the Rapture?
Can We Still Believe in the Rapture?

In this well-reasoned and thorough defense, prophecy authors Mark Hitchcock and Ed Hindson examine the concept, context, and consequences of the rapture. As you explore what Scripture says about the end times, you’ll get a grander glimpse of your future.

The Coming Oil Storm
The Coming Oil Storm

The Coming Oil Storm reveals how tensions over oil factor into end-time global alignments and may lead to a dramatic shift in the balance of power. Islamic nations control of most of the world’s oil reserves; once they possess nuclear weapons, they will feel empowered to act as they wish. Oil could even play a role in the path to Armageddon.

The Topical Handbook of Bible Prophecy
The Topical Handbook of Bible Prophecy

This handy topical concordance contains more than 300 subjects, all related to the end times and arranged alphabetically. Each topic is followed by several Scripture references—arranged by sub-topics for fast, accurate searches. All of the Bible’s most important eschatological verses are included.

2012, the Bible, and the End of the World
2012, the Bible, and the End of the World

The ancient Mayans were expert astronomers and their advanced calendar cycles predict December 21, 2012 as a catastrophic day of apocalypse. This book will equip Christians to effectively counter baseless speculation with biblical fact.

The American Apocalypse
The American Apocalypse

Does America—the most powerful nation on Earth—appear in Bible prophecy? Terry James, who has spoken and written extensively on Bible prophecy, examines the pivotal role America will play in the last days.

End-Times Super Trends
End-Times Super Trends

Prophecy expert Ron Rhodes analyzes 15 current trends that affect us on a global, national, and personal scale—suggesting some inescapable consequences to our safety, rights, and way of life. See where these trends lead, and learn how to respond well.

The End of America?
The End of America?

What happens when a country turns away from faith in God? Jeff Kinley, author of As It Was in the Days of Noah, explores historical and biblical precedents for the demise of a nation and offers valuable perspective on the future of America.

Bible Prophecy Answer Book
Bible Prophecy Answer Book

When it comes to Bible prophecy, whether you’re looking for quick instruction or you’re eager to go deeper, this accessible Q&A-style guide will help. Find real hope for the future in this resource that provides answers to your most burning questions.

ISIS, Iran, Israel
ISIS, Iran, Israel

ISIS, Iran, Israel is an updated edition of Iran and Israel by Mark Hitchcock, with all-new information on ISIS, Russian involvement in Syria and Iran, and the state of relations between Israel and Iran. Hitchcock brings a strong biblical perspective to the latest in Middle Eastern conflicts.

Who Will Face the Tribulation?
Who Will Face the Tribulation?

What the Bible says about the future doesn’t need to be confusing. By not truly understanding the message of Scripture, people have been baffled for years about the pre-, mid-, and post-Tribulation views. Bestselling author Tim LaHaye carefully unravels the confusion and sets forth keys to understanding the prophecy supporting a pre-Tribulation Rapture.

40 Days Through Daniel
40 Days Through Daniel

The book of Daniel holds the distinction of being one of the most important prophetic books in the Bible—and one of the most challenging to understand. Now you can unearth its inspiring lessons and enduring truths in just 40 daily readings.

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