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Bible Prophecy for Everyone
Bible Prophecy for Everyone

This resource is a great starting point for anyone who wants to build a strong and foundational understanding of what Bible prophecy is all about. In it, you’ll find all the essential building blocks for understanding God’s plans for the future.

A Woman Rides the Beast
A Woman Rides the Beast

An eye–opening book about prophecy, Catholicism, and the last days. Has the view of the Church of Rome as the woman who rides the beast in Revelation 17 become outdated? Hunt carefully sifts through history and prophecy to provide an answer.

Wake the Bride
Wake the Bride

Many people are unaware of the signs of the times. Many others seem consumed by end-times hype. Kinley’s innovative guide to the book of Revelation shows that our primary concern should not be the timing of Christ’s return but rather the spirit and character He desires in His bride.

Unmasking the Antichrist
Unmasking the Antichrist

The identity of the Antichrist is a topic of heated, emotional debate. Bible scholar and bestselling author Ron Rhodes presents a Scripture-based, trustworthy exploration of what God’s Word does and does not tell us about the advance signs, power moves, and the eventual fall of the Antichrist.

Understanding Revelation in 60 Minutes
Understanding Revelation in 60 Minutes

From Bible prophecy expert Ed Hindson comes this remarkable 60-minute panoramic overview of the book of Revelation’s main events, characters, and predictions about the last days. A wonderful resource for church and home study groups.

There’s A New World Coming
There’s A New World Coming

Prophecy expert Hal Lindsey provides a valuable guideline for interpreting today’s events in light of the Book of Revelation.

A Quick Look at the Rapture and the Second Coming
A Quick Look at the Rapture and the Second Coming

What is the rapture? When is the second coming? Why is there so much talk about them, and when will they happen?

This book, based on decades of careful research by Bible prophecy expert Tim LaHaye, presents a concise picture of the end times and answers the key questions people are asking.

Northern Storm Rising
Northern Storm Rising

Almost 2700 years ago, the prophet Ezekiel detailed a massive end-times attack against Israel. The coalition he describes is still making headlines today. Bible scholar Ron Rhodes analyzes current events in the light of biblical prophecy and empowers readers to “interpret the signs of the times” (Matthew 16:3).

Middle East Burning
Middle East Burning

Middle East Burning helps make sense of the bewildering firestorms raging today in the Arabic-Israeli world. A look at what’s taking place in Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Turkey, Iran, Syria, and more, and the prophetic significance of it all.

Israel Under Fire
Israel Under Fire

Ankerberg and noted prophecy expert DeYoung examine massive historical currents converging on Israel, bringing signs of looming apocalyptic conflict: Jewish temple rebuilding on an Islamic site; threats to Israel from Palestinian instability; Iran’s intentions to “wipe Israel off the map.” Exclusive interviews with religious and political leaders add unparalleled insight.

Exploring Bible Prophecy from Genesis to Revelation
Exploring Bible Prophecy from Genesis to Revelation

An indispensable, all-in-one resource on the prophecies of the Bible! It’s all here—clear and concise explanations for key Bible prophecies from Genesis to Revelation. Written by Bible scholars but created for everyday readers and Bible students.

The Essential Guide to Bible Prophecy
The Essential Guide to Bible Prophecy

This guide is the ideal hands-on tool for readers who want a clear chronological time line of last-days events, a detailed overview of the seven-year tribulation and how it will unfold, clues to the identity of the key players in the final battles between God and Satan, and more.

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