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Love’s Silent Song
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Release Date: December 2011
Print Length: 194
ISBN: 978-0-7369-5154-8
Series: 2

Love’s Silent Song

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When Chris Beth said yes to a struggling country minister’s proposal, life seemed almost too good to be true. Could it last? The settlers in their little Oregon community could scarcely afford a resident preacher’s salary, and Chris Beth’s teaching contract would soon end. Another separation. More adjustments. Threatening and captivating adventures reveal the heartaches and joys of real pioneer life…wagon caravans of starving people rumbling through frontier territory. Fear of Indian uprisings, drought, plagues of grasshoppers, and the faith and commitment of people shouldering heavy burdens in a common bond of love. Ever present and strengthening their arms to hold each other up is love’s silent song.

Meet the author

June Masters Bacher

June Masters Bacher is the author of three poneer romance series with total sales of more than 1 million. Her name is synonymous with delightful storytelling involving mysterious twists.

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