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The Mother Load
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Release Date: January 2005
Print Length: 240
ISBN: 978-0-7369-3458-9

The Mother Load

How to Meet Your Own Needs While Caring for Your Family

eBook available at your favorite eRetailer.

Motherhood is an intense, ‘round-the-clock job. To stay healthy and happy, moms need friends, laughter, solitude, balance, and an intimate relationship with the Lord. But exactly how do moms meet these needs while juggling family responsibilities? Mary Byers, the mother of two lively young kids, shares how moms can find small pockets of time to—

  • rest and refuel
  • create personal space
  • make time for friendship, exercise, and intimacy
  • identify and prevent “balance busters” that create chaos
  • creatively stay sane in the midst of mothering

The Mother Load offers down-to-earth suggestions, spiritual truths, and real-life advice from moms to help women survive and thrive in today’s active families. Includes questions for group discussion and personal reflection.

Meet the author

Mary Byers

Mary Byers

Mary M. Byers is a professional speaker and freelance writer. She’ s the author of The Mother Load and is a frequent media guest on women’ s topics. Mary is a former advertising director, senior– level association manager, and entrepreneur. She and her husband, Stuart, and their two youngest children live in Illinois.

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A Word from the Author

"When Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees, he indicated that the second greatest commandment is 'To love your neighbor, as yourself.' (Matthew 22:39) Many of us excel at showing love for others, but we don't always love ourselves. I've taken Jesus' admonishment seriously in my role as a mother and that's why I wrote The Mother Load: How to Meet Your Own Needs While Caring for Your Family. When we take care of ourselves, we're more able to take care of others.”
Mary Byers

Editorial Reviews

"The Mother Load by Mary M. Byers is all about helping moms meet their needs while you care for your family. Filled with insight, wisdom and practical suggestions, I recommend this book to any mom before she gets burnt out meeting everyone else's needs before her own. I like the funny comments that Mary recorded by her daughter in Chapter 9. It will definitely bring a smile to your face and remind you of the cute things children say when we least expect it!"
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