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Now That You’re a Christian
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Release Date: March 2008
Print Length: 48
ISBN: 978-0-7369-6864-5

Now That You’re a Christian

A Guide to Your Faith in Plain Language

eBook available at your favorite eRetailer.

From Bruce Bickel and Stan Jantz, authors of Knowing the Bible 101, a trim, 45-page booklet is perfect for new believers, Christians who want a handy evangelistic tool, and churchgoers who are ready to rediscover the essentials of the Christian life. Readers will immediately connect with Bruce and Stan’’s honest, encouraging responses to questions new Christians often ask: What do I do next? Am I expected to follow some rules and regulations? What have I gotten myself into? Brief chapters on eternal security, new life in Christ, and the ministry of the Holy Spirit set the tone for this clear and compelling introduction to the faith.

With their engaging, straightforward style, Bruce and Stan explain what God has done for humanity, what God wants people to do so they can know Him better, and how individuals can reflect the love of Christ to the world.

Meet the authors

Bruce Bickel

Bruce Bickel

Bruce Bickel quickly abandoned pursuing standup comedy because he wasn't funny enough, opting instead to become a lawyer—a profession in which he is considered hilarious. His previous books with Stan Jantz include Knowing the Bible 101 and God Is in the Small Stuff.

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Stan Jantz

Stan Jantz

Stan Jantz is the president of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association and cofounder of ConversantLife.com. He is the coauthor of more than 50 books, including I’m Fine with God...It’s Christians I Can’t Stand and the Christianity 101® Bible Studies. He makes his home in Huntington Beach, California.

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