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The Power of a Woman Who Leads
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Release Date: April 2013
Print Length: 208
ISBN: 978-0-7369-4937-8

The Power of a Woman Who Leads

Discover Your God-given Leadership Style

eBook available at your favorite eRetailer.

Every woman is born with a unique calling on her life, but so often she chooses to settle for less than God’s best. Now, with the help of author and speaker Dr. Gail M. Hayes, women everywhere will be empowered to…

  • take risks and silence fears
  • discover their mission and accomplish their goals
  • become ignited with passion to fulfill their destiny
  • lead without anxiety or apology
  • encourage others on their path to success

With biblically grounded wisdom and spiritual insight, Gail explores different styles of leadership and helps readers uncover their unique identity and personal style. Engaging, candid, and filled with humor, every reader will learn that leading can be as natural as breathing!

Meet the author

Gail M. Hayes

Gail M. Hayes

Gail M. Hayes has served as a consultant to women in the workplace by helping them to improve their relationships and become agents of change. Because of her passion for helping working women (whether they are working on an assembly line, making power decisions from the board room, or standing at a diaper-changing table), she...

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Editorial Reviews

“Talented author and speaker Dr. Gail Hayes has developed a program by which women can identify their particular leadership style. When that unique style is blended with the styles of our sisters, leadership can become the mustard seed of movement toward good.”
CBA Retailers+Resources

“I enjoy reading books that elaborate on a person’s strengths and gives them ideas and tools to help strengthen them. This book does that.”

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“Dr. Gail has the amazing power to speak directly to your spirit through a book. The Power of a Women Who Leads spoke to me, specifically about my management style. I now feel confident in how I lead not only in the workplace, but within my home and other personal areas. She has helped me own what I've always felt and now I can lead with power and purpose and not be apologetic for being who I am as a leader. Using biblical characters and principles to drive her point home helped me realize that what I do and how I do it is not about me, but about the talents and gifts God has given me.”
Ellen Jefferson Kearney, MBA, GBA, benefits manager, Reichhold

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