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The Remnant 4-in-1
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Release Date: May 2024
Print Length: 1102
ISBN: 978-0-7369-8334-1

The Remnant 4-in-1

eBook available at your favorite eRetailer.

Vannetta Chapman’s eerily plausible, action-packed dystopian series, The Remnant, is now available in this special 4-in-1 ebook-only bundle!

Life in Abney, Texas, is predictable and safe—until the night a massive solar flare wipes out all modern technology. In these three novels, plus the bonus short story, follow single mom Shelby Sparks, her former sweetheart Max Berkman, and their small-town community as they search for a way to survive.

  • Deep Shadows: In the wake of global disaster, novelist and single mom Shelby Sparks’ mission to provide for her diabetic son hasn't changed—but now, medication is a priceless commodity in this nightmarish world. As northern lights give way to deep shadows, Shelby’s faith in God and her trust in her former love, Max Berkman, will be tested like never before.
  • Overshadowed (short story prequel): The U.S. government knows that a massive solar flare could plunge the world into darkness, but few believe it will happen. The governor of Texas implements her brainchild, the top-secret Operation Nightshade, and agent Gabe Thompson finds himself training for the end of modern society.
  • Raging Storm: Shelby and her teenage son, Carter, have found refuge with Max, but Shelby needs to risk her life traveling to Austin to get Carter the medicine he needs. She and Max band together with friends old and new, and they manage to reach the capital only to discover that Austin has turned into an urban nightmare.
  • Light of Dawn: With the Texas government barely maintaining control of the state, the governor needs volunteers to search for the new federal government, but no one knows exactly where it is located or if it even still exists. Shelby and Max answer the call and set out on a treacherous 600-mile journey, experiencing the terrifying effects of unrestrained anarchy.

In The Remnant 4-in-1, America is left teetering between total collapse and the dawn of a new and vastly different reality. Join Shelby, Max, Carter, and Gabe as they use their faith, fortitude, and friends to navigate a familiar world thrown into chaos.

Meet the author

Vannetta Chapman

Vannetta Chapman

Vannetta Chapman writes inspirational fiction full of grace. She has published over one hundred articles in Christian family magazines, receiving more than two dozen awards from Romance Writers of America chapter groups. She discovered her love for the Amish while researching her grandfather’s birthplace of Albion, Pennsylvania. Her novel Falling to Pieces was...

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