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The Story of the Cosmos
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Release Date: July 2019
Print Length: 272
ISBN: 978-0-7369-7737-1

The Story of the Cosmos

How the Heavens Declare the Glory of God

By Daniel Ray ,

eBook available at your favorite eRetailer.

Unraveling the Mysteries of the Universe

What do you see when you gaze at the night sky? Do you contemplate the stars as the random result of an evolutionary process? Or do you marvel over them as a testament of the Creator’s glory?

Modern science has popularized a view of the cosmos that suggests there is no need for God and denies any evidence of His existence. But The Story of the Cosmos provides a different—and fascinating—perspective. It points to a God who makes Himself known in the wonder and beauty of His creation.  

This compilation from respected scholars and experts spans topics from “The Mathematical Creation and the Image of God” to “The Glorious Dance of Binary Stars” and “God’s Invisible Attributes—Black Holes.” Contributors include Dr. William Lane Craig, Dr. Guillermo Gonzalez, Dr. Melissa Cain Travis, and Dr. Michael Ward. 

Come, take a deeper look at the universe…and explore the traces of God’s glory in the latest discoveries of astronomy, science, literature, and art. 

Meet the authors

Daniel Ray

Daniel Ray

Daniel Ray is a former schoolteacher and a lay astronomer with an MA in Christian apologetics from Houston Baptist University. His thesis explored the contemporary relevance of C.S. Lewis’s cosmological imagination in The Chronicles of Narnia. He cohosts the podcast Good Heavens! and enjoys writing and stargazing.     

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