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Release Date: September 2007
Print Length: 240
ISBN: 978-0-7369-3285-1

The Truth Behind the New Atheism

Responding to the Emerging Challenges to God and Christianity

eBook available at your favorite eRetailer.

The popular and bitter attacks on Christianity continue to escalate in the form of national bestsellers such as The God Delusion, Letter to a Christian Nation, and others. Given the momentum these “new atheists” have gained, it seems as though they are making a powerful case against Christianity. How can those who are believers respond?

In The Truth Behind the New Atheism, author David Marshall examines the wrong concepts of God that are being promoted today. Among the questions he deals with are…

  • Is the God of the Bible a cruel savage?
  • Has science refuted the Christian faith?
  • Has the Bible hurt the human race?
  • Is the Christian life based on nothing more than blind faith?

As he refutes the critics, Marshall offers powerful arguments in defense of Christianity—arguments that will enable readers to respond to this new confusion with great confidence and biblical accuracy.

Meet the author

David Marshall

David Marshall

David Marshall is the founder and director of the Kuai Mu Institute for Christianity and World Cultures, and the author of four books, including The Truth About Jesus and the "Lost Gospels," as well as Why the Jesus Seminar Can’t Find Jesus and Grandma Marshall Could. David and his family live near Seattle, Washington.

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Editorial Reviews

"Marshall examines the factual errors and misrepresentations of the new atheists and provides Christians with the tools to argue against them and stand up for the faith.”
Pulpit Helps

"Recommended to pastors, college students, and others looking for a solid response to fans of ‘new atheism’ writers.”
CBA Retailers + Resources

“Now Christians and the Church as a whole have to be taught the arguments and information which Marshall has collected—and how to use it.”
Christian Marketplace

The Truth Behind the New Atheism is a powerful and highly-recommended resource that affirms the existence of God in our age of modern science.”
Truth Magazine

“David Marshall has written an academically strong work defending Christianity…Marshall’s work equips ministers with information they need to help train believers for the struggle.”

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"Spectacularly argued, spectacularly written, and even more spectacularly timely. This little book could rescue the faith of thousands of evangelical high school and college students. For the older and keener thinkers among evangelicals today this is at least as relevant as it is to younger students who are balancing on the fence between belief and unbelief."
Ralph Winter, founder, US Center for World Missions

"David Marshall's new book engages Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett, the principal apologists for the 'new atheism,' with sufficient verve, intelligence and wit that no careful reader should finish the book with faith in those prophets unshaken. The great strength of Marshall's book is that, unlike his opponents, he doesn't resort to caricature or misrepresentation: Dennett's and Dawkins's arguments are given a full and fair showing, and their strengths acknowledged, which makes all the more impressive the fact that only tumbled fragments of their atheistic edifice remain by the time Marshall is done."
Dr. Paul Griffiths, warren chair of Catholic thought at Duke Divinity School

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