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Undefending Christianity
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Release Date: April 2011
Print Length: 160
ISBN: 978-0-7369-4031-3

Undefending Christianity

Embracing Truth Without Having All the Answers

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“This book is one more sign of a fresh movement in the church.”
Shane Claiborne
author, The Irresistible Revolution

Dillon Burroughs has defended the faith as a writer, speaker, and professor. But when he asked himself how he was helping a homeless guy in his city or a hungry family in Darfur, everything started to unravel. Now, with renewed vision, disarming candor, and deep respect for the church, Burroughs gently leads readers through a reassessment of hot-button topics like these:

  • Jesus was a friend of sinners and consumed alcohol. How did that work?
  • He also said to love neighbors, sinners, and enemies. Does loving homosexuals fit in there somewhere?
  • Why are the odds in America stacked against the success of a traditional marriage?

Burroughs provides a safe place for spiritually minded and culturally savvy people to process their questions and find a more relevant and Christlike faith.

Meet the author

Dillon Burroughs

Dillon Burroughs

Dillon Burroughs is an activist and the author or coauthor of nearly 30 books on issues of faith and culture, including the groundbreaking Undefending Christianity. Dillon has served among at-risk American youth, constructed housing in Mexico’ s barrios, provided aid relief in Haiti, and was most recently nominated for a CNN Hero award for his efforts...

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A Word from the Author

“What is Undefending Christianity? Ultimately, it's a book for anyone who wants to live out their faith rather than leave it. The Apostle Paul noted we are to speak the truth in love (Ephesian 4:15). My conviction is that our beliefs need more action and less reaction; more help and less hate; more compassion and less cruelty. Truth is as important as ever, but people need to see it in our lives, not just read about it. This is the journey of Undefending Christianity.”
Dillon Burroughs, author of Undefending Christianity

Editorial Reviews

“Ultimately, Undefending Christianity is a call for Christians to be and live more like Jesus. Recommend it especially to 20- and 30-somethings.”
CBA Retailers+Resources

“I really enjoyed this book. If you like Donald Miller's books, you'll enjoy Dillon Burroughs. I recommend it to anyone who wants to laugh while being challenged to examine their faith.”

“Burroughs discovered the key to Christian living in today’s world: Imitate Jesus… His blunt and humorous chapters are purposefully short to make each challenging subject digestible and thought-provoking.”
Church Libraries

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“This book is one more sign of a fresh movement in the church that is moving beyond the stale debates and empty rhetoric, and wants a Christianity that looks like Jesus again…Burroughs invites you to laugh a little—and to think a lot.”
—Shane Claiborne, author of The Irresistible Revolution, activist, and recovering sinner

“Dillon actually does not set out to undefend Christianity; rather, he sets out to show how James’ words can be lived out in the lives of Christians: ‘Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.’—James 1:27. By simply telling some of his real-life stories as a believer in action for Christ, Burroughs shows how Christians can be, and are to be, salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16). This book is a good challenge to all Christians to get involved in the ‘Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless.’”
Rick Walston, Ph.D., President of Columbia Evangelical Seminary

“This book, Undefending Christianity by Dillon Burroughs, is thought-provoking. The author uses many life experiences to consider the question, ‘What does it really mean to be Christ-like?’ I fully agree with the author when he encourages the reader to ‘Be the change you want to see in this world.’”
Dorothy J. Martin

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