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What Darwin Didn’t Know
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Release Date: January 2004
Page Count: 300
Size: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-0-7369-1313-3
Case Lot Quantity: 40

What Darwin Didn’t Know

A Doctor Dissects the Theory of Evolution

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Endorsed by William Dembski, Ph.D., the scientist at the forefront of the intelligent-design movement.

Darwin might have thought twice about publishing his theories if he had had access to today’s medical and microbiological discoveries. Drawing on years of research, Dr. Simmons demonstrates that the almost infinite complexity of the human anatomy simply could not have developed by chance. For example:

  • the body runs on “battery power”...from the hundreds of mitochondria in each cell
  • the two sexes—evolutionary theory cannot explain why they exist
  • every cell is its own pharmacist, chemist, and metallurgist

Accessible, clearly presented, and utterly fascinating, What Darwin Didn’t Know shows the human body to be a marvelous system constructed by an infinitely wise Designer.

Meet the author

Geoffrey Simmons

Dr. Geoffrey Simmons has studied the human body and evolutionary theory for more than 40 years. He received his M.D. in 1969 and now practices medicine in Oregon. In 2006 he became a senior fellow of the Discovery Institute. A director of Physicians and Surgeons for Scientific Integrity, Dr. Simmons has authored nine books, including What Darwin...

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A Word from the Author

"My book has to do with medical facts and how they conflict with the theory of evolution. Darwin may have made a sincere effort to explain the life around him in the nineteenth century, but he knew little, if anything, about the human cell, heredity (why a child resembles his parents), immunity, hormones, blood pressure and scores of feedback loops that tell the body when it's too hot or too cold, hungry or full, sick or well, and tired or refreshed. These examples and many, many more are discussed. They all speak very clearly for Intelligent Design, a discussion that needs to re-enter mainstream American dialogue. Although the bibliography has over 140 scientific citations and the text has been endorsed by four Ph.D.s, the book was specifically written for the non-medical reader."
Geoffrey Simmons, author of What Darwin Didn't Know

Editorial Reviews

"This information is so concise and well-stated that even those who are not convinced of this major premise will have to admit they learned about their bodies. Simmons writes well. He isn't standing on a pulpit trumpeting Scripture. He is presenting information and an idea he feels strongly about.

Read this book, whatever you might think. You'll finish it a different person than you were when you began it."
The Statesman Journal

"His book, What Darwin Didn't Know, is an easy read even for teens, but also will delight old salts familiar with many of these discoveries. It's full of fascinating, insightful, and inspiring information that supports faith in God and our Creator's wise and intelligent design. Recommend to anyone interested in evolution-creation debates."
CBA Marketplace

"Simmons dismantles Darwinism brick by brick and then gouges out the mortar. As he deconstructs Darwinism, he teaches us the wonders of the human body, how we see, hear, and how other senses function. If you've ever wondered how your body works, Simmons provides the details here."
Christian News Northwest

"Both supporters and opponents of intelligent design will want to know that this readable, intense, popular book is on the market."
Science & Theology News

"This is an excellent book to give a young person who is in medical school or interested in medicine. So many doctors have faith problems develop during their training, and this book would be useful in that area. It is an excellent book on design characteristics of the human body and offers some significant insights into the problems of Darwinism in things as complex as the human body. We recommend this book highly. It will be of interest to almost any reader, especially to those in the medical professions."


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"Geoffrey Simmons makes Darwinism's sleight of hand plain to see."
from the foreword by William Dembski, Ph.D., Baylor University, author of The Design Revolution

"In What Darwin Didn't Know, Dr. Simmons gives a marvelous, entertaining, physician's-eye view of the intricate functioning of the human body. The relentless detailing of biological elegance and complexity overwhelms facile Darwinian stories as a tidal wave overwhelms a beach."
Michael J. Behe, Ph.D., professor of biochemistry, Lehigh University, and author of the bestselling book Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution

"Several years ago the prestigious peer-reviewed journal Science carried a research article titled 'Did Darwin Get It All Right?' The subtitle answered the question with a 'No.' There is a tide of data mounting against the Darwinian (though not necessarily Darwin's) concept that randomness can explain the wonder of life. In What Darwin Didn't Know, Geoffrey Simmons converts that tide into a tidal wave of evidence. In his book, Simmons treats us to the respect for the complexity of life he has gained as a doctor with 35 years of experience. His frontline experience with the challenges of maintaining life has given him insights that armchair and laboratory biologists never have."
Gerald Schroeder, Ph.D., author of The Science of God, MIT-trained nuclear physicist and earth and planetary scientist

"Sit back and enjoy as Dr. Simmons leads you on an exhilarating romp through your own anatomy. Journey past your taste buds. (Did you know they're in your throat, too?) Explore the complexity of reproduction. Celebrate the miracle of your birthday. Examine the differences between man and ape. And in the end, be prepared to confront the overwhelming evidence against Darwin's explanation for your existence."
Dr. Jed Macosko, professor at the University of New Mexico and molecular biologist

Charles Freedenberg, J.D.

"Dr. Simmons has a fine talent for expressing complex ideas in easily comprehensible terms."
Dr. John Patrick, Professor History of Science, Medicine and Faith, Augustine College

"When I went through medical school, I remember learning the amazing intricacies of the human body. 'Someone needs to make this accessible to people not going through medical school,' I thought at the time. Dr. Simmons, in this book, has done just that. This book does a lot more than give a strong argument for 'Intelligent Design'—though it certainly does that. In fact, I ended the book impressed that it takes quite a bit more faith to believe in evolution than it does to believe in a purposeful creator. But this book also explains the body's complex inner workings in a way that is easy to understand, and to remember."
Dr. Amy Givler, author of Hope in the Face of Cancer

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