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What Every Wife Wants Her Husband to Know
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Release Date: August 2011
Print Length: 192
ISBN: 978-0-7369-4197-6

What Every Wife Wants Her Husband to Know

eBook available at your favorite eRetailer.

Great marriages happen when spouses are supportive and loving. In the hustle of life, it’s easy to forget to share the positives about a spouse. Insightful wife and author Annie Chapman draws on her 30-year marriage to offer key areas a wife can watch to discover unique ways her husband makes a difference and then gives specific suggestions for telling him…

  • his needs are noticed, understood, and supported
  • his opinions are wanted and respected
  • his thoughtfulness shines when he meets family needs
  • his work is admired
  • his interactions with his kids makes a tremendous impact

Annie provides a wealth of ideas for letting a husband know he is loved and encouraging him to be the man God created him to be. Private and public affirmations assure a man he is important and vital, which help him excel at home, at work, and in the community.

Meet the author

Annie Chapman

Annie Chapman

Annie Chapman is a gifted musician and the author of several books, including Letting Go of Anger, The Mother-in-Law Dance, and Hot Topics for Couples (with her husband, Steve). Sharing the concert stage with Steve, writing books and articles, speaking at conferences, and ministering through radio and TV give Annie many opportunities to reach a...

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A Word from the Author

“I remember the first book I bought on marriage. It was back in 1975. As a young newlywed, I longed to be instructed on how to love my husband and how to create an environment in our home that served as an emotional safe haven. Through the years I have gather much helpful information, essential encouragement, and godly inspiration from women I have met. This book is full of the wisdom that has been gleaned over these many years. Whether marriage days or decades this book will help every wife love her husband better.”
Annie Chapman, author of What Every Wife Wants Her Husband to Know

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