


Defeat Defeat

Posted on Oct 27, 2014   Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Lord, thank You for deleting the word “defeat” from my vocabulary.

By all appearances, David was defeated. He’d joined the Philistines to fight against Israel, but someone questioned his integrity and sent him home. When he and his men arrived at their city, however, they found it destroyed and their wives and children taken captive. As if that weren’t enough, David’s army then plotted to stone him (1 Samuel 29:9-11; 30:1-6).

David appeared defeated, but he refused to quit. Instead, “David found strength in the Lord his God”and launched a major offensive to retrieve the captives and stolen possessions (30:7-8).

Difficult circumstances can sometimes leave us feeling defeated, but we needn’t succumb. Like David, we can find strength in God. What does that look like?

We admit our weakness and dependence upon Him. We focus on His promises. We practice praise. And we rally other believers to pray for us.

With God on our side, we have everything necessary to defeat defeat, and victory is ours.

Take Action: Memorize Psalm 118:13-14—“I was pushed back and about to fall, but the Lord helped me. The Lord is my strength and my defense; he has become my salvation.”

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