


Doing a Great Work

Posted on Nov 17, 2014   Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Lord, keep me focused on the job You’ve given me to do.

What’s your God-given role during this season of your life? Whatever it is, consider it a great work.

Follow Nehemiah’s example as he rebuilt the wall around Jerusalem. When the opposition tried to lure him away, he replied, “I am carrying on a great project and cannot go down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and go down to you?” (Nehemiah 6:3).

Nehemiah’s enemies tried this tactic four times, but he believed in the importance of his task and refused to abandon it.

Voices might say your work has no value and you’re wasting your potential. You may be weary, feeling overworked and under appreciated.

Refuse to compare yourself with others, especially those whose roles bring better pay and public recognition. Doing so leads to envy, frustration, or worse—leaving your great work to take on one that isn’t God’s choice for you.

If God has planted you in this role, it’s exactly what you should be doing. Thank Him for entrusting you with this great work and ask Him to use you for His highest purposes.

Take Action: Ask God for His perspective about your role.

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