


God Chose Me!

Posted on Jul 18, 2016   Topic :

 2 Corinthians 1:21-22

He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.

This verse always gives me a feeling of peace. God chose me!

Think of the times you’ve been chosen—as a player on a team, as an employee, as a friend, as a spouse…How did those experiences make you feel—Recognized? Important? Loved?

The most important thing about you, the very center of your identity, is this—the God of all creation has chosen you. And this wasn’t just a one-time thing. His Spirit lives in you every day, a deposit of the even greater things to come.

How does that make you feel!

Do you feel confident that you belong to God? Read today’s verse slowly and out loud. Make it personal: “He anointed me, set his seal of ownership on me…”

Do your shortcomings negate God’s choice?

Eternal God, thank you for guaranteeing our place in eternity with you by placing your Holy Spirit in us. Help us to truly know that we are free from having to work our way into your favor. By faith and nothing else, we have been given your presence, now and forever.

—Davis Love III

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