


I Am Precious to God

Posted on Sep 01, 2014   Topic : Weekly Devotionals

You are precious and honored in my sight, and…I love you. Isaiah 43:4

Does anyone care? Do I make a difference in anyone’s life? Do I matter at all?

When the answers seem bleak, it’s important to realize that although few have escaped the painful rocks of rejection, a shipwrecked soul is not at the heart of God’s plan for any child of His. When trials seem unending, when heartaches are hitting wave upon wave, if only we could remember, This too will pass. God says, “You are precious and honored in My sight.”

Do you feel precious to God? Do you consider yourself cherished? Even when you feel you are not, you truly are. Though at times you’ve been drenched with defeat, God’s love is like the endless tide.

Your compassionate Savior wants you to “know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:2-4).

One of life’s most beautiful and costly wonders is born out of pain and irritation. When a grain of sand slips through the opening of an oyster’s shell, the oyster immediately begins to cover the sand with a substance that eventually develops into one of the world’s exquisite gems—a lovely, luminous pearl. The larger the oyster and the greater the irritation, the larger the pearl and greater the value.

Perhaps a “grain of sand”—an excruciating trial—is causing you painful irritation right now. Remember God has not abandoned you. He has a purpose in allowing trials to invade your life. God’s plan for you is perfect—to produce a pearl of great value.

Even in the midst of a storm, you are safe. Your Savior will protect you from the storm’s destruction.

Jeremy Taylor wrote, “We are as safe at sea, safer in the storm which God sends us, than in a calm when we are befriended with the world.”

Trials are purposeful. God can use them to produce in you qualities that could not be cultivated in any other way. As you see yourself through God’s eyes, know you are of great value to Him and He desires the very best for you. He says, “You are precious and honored in My sight, and…I love you.”

I am secure because…I am precious in the sight of God.

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