



Posted on Oct 20, 2014   Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Lord, teach me to slow down, to rest, to breathe.

To say life is busy is an understatement. Sometimes we sprint for a few weeks or months and then stop and catch our breath. Sometimes, however, we feel caught in a never-ending marathon.

Constant activity seems to be the accepted and even expected way of life in today’s society. But is it what God intends for us? Maybe not. After all, even He rested on the seventh day.

Jesus knew the bane of busyness. He preached, healed the sick, raised the dead, restored sight to the blind, cast out demons, fed thousands, faced angry mobs, answered jealous leaders, and preached again. He filled His days with meaningful ministry, but in the midst, He acknowledged the need to recharge.

“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest,” Jesus told His disciples after a particularly long day. Still the crowds pursued Him, but He later slipped into the hills alone to pray (Mark 6:31,45-46).

Rest refreshes body and soul. God rested. Jesus did too. Are you following His example?

Take Action: Spend five minutes doing nothing today. And don’t feel guilty!

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