


22 Words of Wisdom for This Year’s Graduates

Posted on Mar 01, 2022   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Jeff Atwood

Congratulations on your graduation! This is one of most important transitions you will ever have. It is the tipping point between prepa­ration and possibility. This day is the culmination of years and years of blood, sweat, and tears, and the only tangible reward is a diploma that will ultimately end up in the bottom of a box in your parents’ attic. The real reward of graduation is not a look back at the past, but rather the opportunity to look ahead at the wide-open prairie that is your life.

You were made to do great things, things that only you can do. Now go do them.

Here’s some wisdom to take with you on your way:

  1. You are loved. Always. Forever. No matter what.
  2. Don’t spend your life worrying about things that may or may not happen.
  3. You are never complete. You are always “completing.”
  4. There will soon be a time when “I remember when…” will be some of the happiest words you can say.
  5. You can never be too generous.
  6. Make sure you spend lots of time exploring, wondering, and pondering, because it is often in doing those things that you find what brings you the most joy.
  7. Do what brings you joy, not what brings your parents joy.
  8. Brush your teeth. Having teeth is always better than not having teeth.
  9. When you must deliver bad news, face-to-face conversations are always best.
  10. Don’t waste time comparing yourself to other people.
  11. Don’t let people you don’t know define or shape your value.
  12. Be nice to people when they don’t deserve it.
  13. Don’t stress about what you haven’t done; just do what you can do now.
  14. Ice cream > heartache
  15. Go see the world. The bigger your experiences are, the bigger your understanding and appreciation of the world will be.
  16. Just show up. Opportunity always follows availability.
  17. Give someone an unexpected compliment every day.
  18. When you must make an important decision, ask yourself, “What’s the worst that could happen?”
  19. Text your mom or dad for no other reason but to say “Hey” or “I love you.”
  20. Say yes to things in your life a lot more than you say no.
  21. Don’t just tell people what you can do. Show them what you can do.
  22. Laugh a lot.

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