Posted on Dec 28, 2021      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalWomen's Christian Living

Of Flowers and Faith: Planting Seeds that Grow into Heavenly Treasures

Author Christie Purifoy shares how a simple pack of zinnia seeds transformed her view of the world and more important, her view of our future heavenly world.   

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Posted on Dec 16, 2021      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalMen's Christian LivingWomen's Christian Living

Yes, This Life Is Hard…and That’s Why We Need Jesus

A new year is a great time to remind ourselves and our children that Jesus was born to free us from the challenges of this world, so that when we can live perfectly with him in heaven someday. Share this hopeful message with your children.

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Posted on Dec 14, 2021      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalWomen's Christian Living

Your Imperfect Home is a Perfect Place to Share Love with Others

The home decorating choices you make aren't nearly as important as creating a place where loved ones feel secure, warm, and welcomed.  

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Posted on Dec 08, 2021      Topic : Inspirational/DevotionalMen's Christian LivingWomen's Christian Living

Why the First Call You Make in Times of Grief Should Be to God

You don't ever have to pretend with God. He knows you're hurting and He wants to hear from you. 

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Posted on Dec 06, 2021      Topic : Prophecy

Two of the Most Powerful Words God Gives Us as Christians to “Fear Not”

There are two words God gives to us for reassurance and to "Fear Not." The world is growing gloriously dark. But, darker the night, the brighter the light. We can rest assured that the Lord's return is soon, but He has promised to be with us every step of the way. 

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