


Your Imperfect Home is a Perfect Place to Share Love with Others

Posted on Dec 14, 2021   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Bre Doucette

The ache for home lives in all of us.  Maya Angelou


God put the desire for home into each one of us. It is no surprise that we seek the feeling of belonging and love in the places we live and are eager to share that sense of home with our family and friends.

But what happens when you lose that sparkle in your eyes for the spaces you call home because life got busy, you got a new job, you had a new baby, or your babies grew up and moved out? (Or back in!) Whatever season of life you are experiencing, I’m here to encourage you.

I believe that anyone can love the space they live in. This idea came to life nearly a decade ago when I brainstormed the message I wanted my blog to be about. It’s a motto I have used for my life and when helping friends and clients design spaces in their homes.

Starting can be the hardest part. With all the options and home remodeling shows, it is easy to become impatient or experience decorating-decision paralysis—as if the decorating police are going to come tell us we’ve done it all wrong.

I know. It’s much easier to point out the things we don’t love. The outdated tile, the toilet that needs to be replaced, the worn-out recliner in the living room, or the dingy carpet you are desperate to swap for beautiful hardwood floors. (You know . . . the carpet bearing the forever stain from your daughter’s spilled nail polish. Just me? I digress.) I’ll admit I’ve been guilty of walking around our home—this home that I prayed for, mind you—grumbling about all it lacked. That wish list of to-dos left me full of discontentment. But the moment I turn my complaining into appreciation, my heart is once again filled with thanksgiving for our home, slanted walls and all.

The secret is to love our homes right now—imperfections and all—while creating beauty on any budget, under any circumstances, so we can refresh ourselves and others starting today.

I promise you, the blessings that emerge in a home prepared with love and attention are never limited by square footage or a lack of trendy furniture. God doesn’t require us to be perfect—he encourages us and guides us to offer our gifts to others. In the same way, we certainly don’t have to wait until our homes are perfect before they become a place to welcome, gather, nourish, refresh, grow, serve, create, and experience beauty.

Read more in The Gift of Home by Bre Doucette

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