


3 Shared Traits of Solid Families

Posted on Apr 20, 2021   Topic : Inspirational/Devotional, Men's Christian Living, Women's Christian Living
Posted by : Lori Borgman

As a new mother, every time I read the passage in Deuteronomy 6 about teaching your children when you sit in your house, walk along the way, lie down, or get up, I found myself weak in the knees and wondering “how?” Taking no chances, I began keeping my eyes on several families in church who were farther down the parenting road, hoping to learn a thing or two. Their children didn’t necessarily all behave like angels, earn the best grades, or floss after every meal, but they shared a wholesome love and respect for one another and a high regard for the faith.

The interests in these families varied widely from camping and whitewater rafting, to classical literature, museums and musical theater. Despite these differences, three commonalities became clear.

For starters, they all had firm boundaries. Discipline was not a constant issue. There was no, “I mean it this time! I really, really mean it!” The kids knew where the lines had been drawn and that there would be consequences. When the children did need correction, they were dealt with in private, never publicly or in a way that humiliated.

The second commonality was that they all knew how to have fun without spending boatloads of money. They did the big trips every now and then, but they were also creative and able to entertain themselves–backyard obstacle courses, exploring trails, movie nights and spontaneous get togethers with friends and other families. The only limit was imagination.

The third commonality was an attitude among the parents of “No Fear.” Like every parent, they sometimes wondered what the future held for their children, but they did not communicate fear and apprehension to the kids. They took their fears to God in prayer and to their children they modeled strength, courage, faith and hope.

Our three children are grown and married with children of their own. I am now grandmother to 11. I still keep my eyes on others ahead of me. I learned years ago that those around me who have marvelous qualities are not competition, but inspiration. As we love one another, we also teach one another and learn from one another. If you are a grandparent and feel you are being watched, it might just be me.

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